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Henry Nicolle
Opinion Essays
Americn's View from Wyoming

The "United states of America" is
a republic composed of free republics and their People.
The "United States"is the agent of the United states of America to act for their common interests.
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Declaration of Independence U.S. Constitution Bill of Rights Amendments


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Message to Richard Cheney

Introduction to Principles and Purpose
In America, the institutions of government are formed and tolerated by the People, You and Me.
Our sole, shared purpose is to protect and preserve the inherent, individual rights and liberty
of the founders, the People, and us, their Posterity.

We are the first society of recorded history to achieve Self Governance
by seizing, establishing and maintaining the Sovereign Powers for Governing
in the hands of the Individuals of our society.

The tasks of governing are lawfully performed only when individual rights
of life, liberty and property are aggressively defended.

When we tolerate the sacrifice of individual liberty to the convenience of government or the interests of society, 
Liberty, Freedom and Security are forfeited by all.

In a managed society, no one can be safe in their body, their property, their liberty or their ambitions.
All are sacrificed to the manipulationand will of the powerful.

We are experiencing a period of epochal transformation of our society and our relationships
with the people of our government and the powers which now are exercised over us.

My essays are a source for education and encouragement to maintain the Inherent Rights and Liberty 
of the Free Men and Women of America and the Free Society we have created.

I believe that we are at the extreme limit of our ability to survive as a Free People
and that our third war for liberty is imminent and unavoidable.

If YOU refuse to participate in the restoration and preservation of our Republic and our Liberty,
I must repeat the words of those who bought our Liberty by the sacrifice of their lives, blood, families and fortune:

“If ye love wealth greater than Liberty,
the tranquility of servitude greater 
than the animating contest for freedom, 
go home from us in peace. 

We seek not your counsel, nor your arms. 
Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; 
and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.” 
-- Samuel Adams

It may sound harsh and unfair, but I concur with Mr. Adams.

I join our modern quandry with that of 1776 using the clear statement of intent by Patrick Henry:

For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost,
I am willing to know the whole truth;
to know the worst, and to provide for it.
Why stand we here idle? 
Is life so dear, or peace so sweet,
as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? 
Forbid it, Almighty God! 
I know not what course others may take; 
but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
-- Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775

We must fight.
With pen and persuasion, as we are now engaged,
in order to avoid whatever dreadful means are required if our good will and good sense fail to persuade.

We cannot tolerate rebellion among our govenrment or betrayal by popular submission to tyrants.

Henry Nicolle

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Liberty is never given. It must always be taken and aggressively defended.

Henry Nicolle 
c/o POB 1194 - Rawlins, Wyoming USA 82301 
Internet: http://www.henrynicolle.com/
Phone: 307-321-6432

Webmaster - Henry Nicolle

(Last Revision 23 October, 2022)