Rawlins, Wyoming Election of Mayor and Vice Mayor Facts and their derivitives form my opinions and commentaries. Everyone Has an Opinion. Your Opinion is Vital Truth is elusive! |
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Election of Mayor and Vice Mayor Rawlins Municipal Code Chapter 2.04.030 City Council Beginning with the general election in the year 1996, and with each general election thereafter in which members of the City Council are elected by the citizens of the City, the Mayor and the Vice-Mayor of the City of Rawlins shall be elected from and by the members of the City Council which takes office beginning in January following the general election. The election shall be held during the first regular council meeting of the calendar year following the general election, and shall be the first item of new business of that meeting. The retiring Council shall conduct the old business portion of the meeting and then retire to have the new council members sworn and seated. The Council may then retire to executive session on a personnel matter and discuss the election issue prior to holding the election in the open meeting. The election shall be held by motion or by nomination and ballot, at the option of the council. Each member of the Council shall have one vote for each office. (Ord. 8H-83: prior code § 2-34) (Ord. No. 4-96, Amended, 4-16-96) . * * *
Let's Talk! Contact Henry: Cell: 307-321-2136 Henry Nicolle POB 1194 Rawlins, Wyoming 82301 |
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Henry Nicolle
Revision 05 March, 2023)