Rawlins Community Assembly Meetings
Facts and their derivitives form my opinions and commentaries. Everyone Has an Opinion. Your Opinion is Vital Join Our Meetings! |
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Introductory Comments and Opinion by Henry Nicolle: The "Community Assembly Meetings" are spontaneous, community inspired and conducted. These are NOT city organized and controlled "Town Hall" meetings. The Rawlins Comunity Assembly meetings are open to everyone in our community and government. You are invited and welcome! Concern in the Rawlins community regarding the conduct of city council members has been growing for some time. These concerns became volatile following the 2020 city council elections and evident in the Fall of 2022 with the failure of the Rawlins water supply, the water issues surrounding the Glenn Addition and the Dirty Boyz Hauler License controversy. Glenn Addition residents formed an action committee to express concerns related to water supply and billing. After the 2022 elections, the Mayor led the council through a notoriously questionable sequence of events apparently intended to deny the seating of newly elected Rawlins Ward 2 councilwoman Tonya Lewman. Following the January 17th City Council meeting, Ward 2 voters spontaneously organized an informal meeting to compare notes and to discuss a response to the perceived indiscretions by the Mayor and council. The gathering was held at the Carbon County Higher Education Center on 19 January, 2023. Among other items, the attendees proposed meeting on Mondays prior to scheduled City Council meetings, initially for a two month trial period. If attendance and interest is established, a regular monthly meeting schedule might be desirable. This meeting was attended by about a dozen people from Ward 2 and others. They decided that since the issues were varied and city-wide, the discussions should be expanded to encompass all Rawlins voters and residents. Consequently, the first 2023 Rawlins Community Assembly Meeting was convened Monday, February 6th at a Carbon County Higher Education Center meeting room. As of April, 2023, Assembly regular meetings are scheduled the first Monday of the month at 6:00 PM. Make your voice heard! Join our Community.
Check with the Rawlins Community Assembly on Facebook for meeting schedule and details. |
Let's Talk! Contact Henry: Cell: 307-321-2136 Henry Nicolle POB 1194 Rawlins, Wyoming 82301 |
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Or use: henry "at" henrynicolle.com Replace "at" with "@". |
Henry Nicolle
Revision 04 April, 2023)