Sticks and Stones and Words
By Henry Nicolle
Exclusive first publishing granted to The
Seattle Sinner October, 2007
"Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me."
is an old homily and I am thinking that it should be engraved on some people's
retina. The other retina should have its corollary, "People in glass houses
should not throw stones."
Words mean things. The average American, it is said, has a vocabulary
of about 3,000 words. The average American journalist uses about 6,000
words at work. These statistics are interesting, if you think about them
for a moment. An American 5-year-old has a vocabulary of about 1,500 words
and he will use them reasonably well. A 10-year-old's vocabulary will have
increased to about 7,000 words, of which he only uses barely more than
he did at five years old, 2,300 words. By the end of High School, a kid's
vocabulary will have risen to 20,000 or so,and after finishing university,
60,000 or so. Here's the rub - their functional vocabulary remains down
at the 2,000 to 6,000 word inventory. The final nail in the coffin of American
vocabulary is the fact that most people do not know what a third of the
words in their vocabulary actually mean, and my guess is that the percentage
has GOT to be at least half.
I am writing today about words, because words convey concepts and those
concepts directly affect the relationships between people. There are ordinary
words, like those in a common greeting, "Hola!", "Hello!", "How are you?",
"Where's the keg, dude?" ordinary stuff. Then you have the words of power,
"Let's see some I.D.!", "Get out of the vehicle and lay down on your stomach,
NOW!", "How do you plead, Guilty or Not Guilty?" If you have never heard
these words, stand by, they are in your immediate future.
There are also words of power that we all use, because humans are imitative
and we suck up to power every chance we get. There is an entirely separate
vocabulary of power created by people who have been given delegated authority
for conduct that would get them lynched or tarred and feathered if they
attempted the same conduct as ordinary people. For us, the words "person"
and "individual" have only one meaning. But for people in power, they are
special words with at least four hundred identifiably separate meanings.
What "person" is intended to identify by someone exercising power
is subject to the context, jurisdiction and diligence of the speaker. There
are lots and lots of words which do not mean the same thing from people
who speak with power English as they mean in common English.
Politically incorrect language has now progressed to law-enforcement.
Contemporary adoption of this language, "crimes motivated by the actual
or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual
orientation, or disability of any person.” has broad implications for our
vocabulary. If I were to spit on your shoe, it is an assault, a crime.
Spit on anyone's shoe and the crime is the same. However, if I say, "Take
that, you honkey, paleface, mackerel snapper, Yankee, son-of-a weak-wristed
moron." the petty insult elevates the assault to big-time criminality at
sentencing. See what words can do?
Our government kidnapped Ernst Zundel here in the good ol' USA, extradited
him to Canada, whereupon he was immediately extradited to Germany to stand
trial for his expounding at length on the veracity of the Holocaust. Words.
Forbidden words. Prison. Forbidden words now abound in our "free" country.
Even the use of words of legitimate form used in legitimate context can
be exploited by people in power, because they have the sole power to make
the words mean what they want them to mean. The old Alice-in Wonderland
problem that Lewis G. Carroll so delightfully explained.
The policies and words of people in power are shamelessly imitated by
common people and this deterioration of effective communication contributes
to our losses of individual rights, liberty to exercise our rights freely
and especially to our loss of control over people with power. When we use
their words, not understanding that they mean differently than we assume,
we hang ourselves and are angered at the "abuse of power" that we invite
by our ignorance. We should be angry, but at ourselves for being morons.
We should be angry for allowing people in power to invent a language that
looks and sounds like ours but is not ours.
Our remaining liberty hangs on a thread. The hijack of our governing
processes will change our lives during the next three years, the change
will be complete by 2012. If we pretend that being apolitical, not speaking
out or standing up will get us safely through this mess, we are dead.
Enjoy. Good luck - you'll need lots of it.