Last Revision 18 April, 2010
Home Principles Problems


Let us consider for this moment, the things we have forgotten 
and the things our Public Servants have abandoned.

First, Our Declaration of Independence states the sole purpose for our government:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, 
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, 
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men
deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --

In all the globe's nations, countries and peoples, we are different. We are our own.
No Majesty rules us, no master owns us, no sovereign can call us their subject.
In these united States of America, you and I hold the powers of sovereignty.

All powers for governing are inherent in us. 
Our governments and officials own no inherent powers.
We are the Masters, they are the Servants, in ALL cases.

Our laws are not intended to protect the government from us, 
but instead, to protect us from the horrible powers exercised by the government.

Our Constitution constrains all of our governments to tasks which fulfill the mandate of our Declaration of Independence.

We are intended to be a self-governed, free society of free men and free women.
We are each and all born with uncountable rights and powers.
Our government can grant us nothing we do not already possess at birth.
The path of our lives, for better or worse, is intended to be trod at our own pace and for our own purposes.
Our governments are not intended to manage our circumstances, guide our choices or reap our labor.
The honor and achievements of our society are intended to be the sum of individual liberty and cooperation.
Our governments are not granted any power for the aggrandizement of a nation or the dominion of our society over any other.
We are intended to be a republic of republics, self-governed by limited democratic processes within the constraints of our Constitution.
Neither our majority of voters, nor our minority of the powerful are permitted to infringe upon the rights of each man and woman.
We are intended to be the Masters of our representatives, governing institutions, public officials and servants.
We have allowed our public servants an upper hand, where they now consider themselves our Masters over all aspects of life.
Liberty is not collective, it is personal. All liberty is individual liberty.
(President Calvin Coolidge)

Why then, do our Servants detest our opinions and refuse our instructions?
Why, indeed?

The reasons are complex and the list is long.
In essence, we are all to blame; we, our parents, and the generations of Americans through the 230 years of the Republic.
The truth is that our opinions, labor and honesty have been exploited by many factions in our history, all with the same end.
That end has been to assure that our general population is an educated, healthy and docile workforce.
We are educated well enough to follow simple instructions with little supervision.
We are kept healthy enough to provide a low level of physical and mental labor for extended periods of time.
We are indoctrinated to do as we are told in school, the workplace and in general society.
We are treated kindly and prudently, as any good Master would treat his property and tools.
We are husbanded as efficiently as any farm animal or crop, given the care and protection due a capital asset.
We are even called "Human Resources" by our figurative masters.
Resources as are also called minerals, information, sheep, milk cows, beef cattle and wheat.
Our Masters take great pride in their scientific mastery and management of "Human Capital", because our labor is their wealth.
Our liberty has been converted to the barbed wire fence defining the privileges which have replaced our rights.
Legal sophistry has replaced our reasonable laws
We spend our existence in poverty of expression and intellect, and gluttony of comfort and convenience.
We are told that we are free and wealthy. We are slaves and impoverished in fact.
Our chains are not so tight that they bind to remind us that we must do as we are told and not do as we are not permitted.
We are all indebted to the tune for $300,000  and more, for which our permission has never been asked.
There is no right of which we were born in full possession that we have not surrendered without any argument.
There is no power that we have denied to government that has not been purloined from our grasp and control.

I know that you are asking, "Why do you say these terrible things?"

You say, "Not free? Why we can travel anywhere we please, any time we please. That's Free, you numbskull!"
May I humbly remind you that before you travel, you must have several permissions from the government. This example serves as a reminder that all of our activities are now by permission from government or are banned by government.

If you walk, you may not carry more of your property than you can hold or drag. 
You may not walk on the streets, not on any property.
If you want to take more personal property than you can reasonably carry to your intended destination, you need a vehicle.

If you ride a bicycle, you are commanded  what kind of bicycle you may ride, and how and where you are permitted to ride.

If you purchase an automobile, you are required to surrender your ownership to the government, 
for which in return, the government grants you permission to use your automobile 
and to sell the future use of the automobile to anyone you please, 
provided that you unwillingly contract to purchase "insurance" 
and pay an annual, substantial fee to the government for your continued privilege of use of your auto.

By the way, you are not allowed to sit anywhere in your "rented" automobile, except the passenger seats, 
until you surrender many more rights to the government than I have room on this page to list. 
If you are discovered sitting in any drivers seat, 
you are subject to arrest and detention, trial and substantial fines
and possibly incarceration (JAIL) for your temerity. 
This is if you do not turn on the engine and attempt to operate the vehicle. 
Then, by golly, there are an uncountable multiple of other crimes you may be committing.

O.K., so you don't own a car, or drive. 
Fine, so you take a taxi, bus, train, airline, ocean vessel or ride with a friend. 
Free, you say?
No, not free.
In each instance, you are required to provide photographic proof of your existence provided by your government 
and proof that you are a person unwanted by the law for some crime or another. 

Except, if someone in the government doesn't feel comfortable about your appearance, posture, politics or odor. 
Then you are subject to detention and extended questioning, and if you complain, 
extended cavity search and nakedness in cold and uncomfortable rooms without toilets.

I try to find humor in these crimes and our acceptance of them. But, we are not free. 
Our rights have been taken and our liberty exchanged for conditional privileges. 
What a sorry state for free men and free women to accept without comment.

Real estate has been changed from property of dirt, location and space, 
to the bounds of an ink and paper fantasy which can be bought, sold and seized, 
placed in a vault for some government purpose. We let it happen.

Our husbands and wives are not our own any longer. We once married for practical reasons of life and moral belief. 
The people in government took that from us and offered civil marriages. 
Civil marriages once required a license, because permission was necessary
for inter-marriage between men and women of different races and religions. 
We now blindly accept the government into our marriage as the third and senior authority, 
granting the government the right to oversee our morality and conduct in marriage. 

Even more catastrophic, is our abandonment of our children to the administration of the government. 
We have no choices regarding the health, education and moral or ethical training of our children 
which cannot be immediately and irrevocably over-ridden
by virtually any person in government or other licensed profession. 

We can recover our inherent rights, if we are willing to exercise our natural liberty. 
If we are to be free, we must act and accept the realities and risks of freedom from overbearing supervision of others 
who are most likely not as smart as we, ourselves, are. Liberty is not safe.
liberty must be taken for oneself, it is NEVER given to anyone. It is impossible to liberate any person.
Once seized and grasped by a man or woman seeking to be free,
Liberty must be zealously defended, protected jealously from those who would steal or seduce it from your hand.
Liberty is worth going to war over, rather than to spend one's life in the obedient service of even the kindest and gentlest masters.

These thoughts barely break the ground of betrayal and treason of generations of politicians.
We can put an end to these crimes in our time. 
We must, or our children will pay the price that others today pay to our bombers and guns and reckless government.

See the film. See what our "Masters" think of our rights and our questions.
Then ask yourself, Why? Why do we accept this growing tyranny and exploitation? 
Why are we killing so many people in our own country and in other countries? 
Why does our President tell us he is not accountable to our Constitution?
Why do our Congress tell us the constitution is ancient, filled with anachronisms which do not bind the Congress?
Why do our highest justices rebuke our pleadings for redress 
and for examination of the unconstitutional conduct of the Congress and Executive?
Why do we tolerate and applaud their lies and their greed and power - our lost rights and honor.


You tell me. You're in charge.

See the Movie!

Then examine, understand, and act to save us from a third war for liberty in our land.

Welcome Everyone!
Welcome Liberty Returning!
Contact Henry Nicolle:
Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005)

Welcome to My Challenge to Recover Our Liberty!

Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail:

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Liberty is never given, it must always be taken and aggressively defended.

Last Revision: 18 April, 2010