Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen for Congress
Revised 17 August

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Thoughts on Liberty and Rights

The People and states of the United States of America do not intend to allow our great powers to be used become the warrior conquerors of free people at home or abroad, nor to plunder the wealth and exploit unwilling labors of any people of the world, nor is it our intention to impose political structures or social order or personal philosophies or spiritual beliefs upon the people our own country or of the world. Those persuasions are among the powers of the People and not allowed to be among the powers of our state or federal governments.

The most powerful of all persuasions is persuasion by the fruit of example. Wealth, respect and well-being produced by skill, diligence and honest dealing encourages the acquisition of skill, the observation of diligence and the practice of honest dealing. Incompetence produces poor value, indulgence delays results and deceptive practices attract thieves and revenge. These ends are not attractive and will discourage emulation by the majority of practical men and women. The same principles may be successfully applied in all matters of intercourse in other human interaction.

It is imprudent not to add that the principles which apply to humans do not apply generally to entities. Powers delegated to entities are powers uncontrollably executed by other people, at least for a time. While powers are exercised without controls, the people who have the capacity to exercise those powers may find their gain incommensurate with risk and consequences of unlawful exercise of delegated powers. The abuse of delegated powers is a great hazard for the people of a republican government. It is doubly necessary for the People to regard every mistake, error and misunderstanding by people in government as usurpations and trespasses upon the rights and liberty of the People, the Citizens and to take up immediate umbrage and defense against such conduct, whether in simple error or deliberate, petty treason. Rights not exercised are not rights. Liberty undefended is no liberty. The people in government must ask the People for permission to do some thing or another, because people in government have no power not granted to them by the People. The Government has no right to demand that the People ask permission for any thing, for all things are possible for the People, even those things that may from time to time be granted also for the works of governing.

Governments, of whatever philosphy, are inert entities until some human acts in its place. No government ever harmed any human. All harm done to people is done to them by other people.

People acting as government have no inherent powers and therefore have no power to grant rights or liberty to any Citizen. Any powers that a government person may exercise is a power delegated first by the Citizens for specific purposes, none of those purposes being the subjugation of the People, or any of them. Delegated powers are not allowed to be used to expand governing powers beyond their simple meaning, nor to create powers for governing which have not been recognized and delegated by the people.

Among the people of this Earth, liberty cannot be given, nor rights bestowed by any human or element of society to another.

Liberty must be taken by those who would be free. Liberty cannot be handed to the meek or slavish; they do not understand it and will not embrace it. Those who understand and cherish liberty will not live without it and will have no sympathy toward those who would attempt to lift its burdens from them.

Rights must be comprehended, exercized and defended, or they are no rights at all. Rights cannot be held by the timid and uncertain, for they have no will to exercise or defend them. The Citizen whose spirit understands the origin and value of his liberty will comprehend also his rights in life as a free man or woman, and will spend no conscience on any person who would reduce or deny him any of them.

Those who understand liberty and their rights to exercise the powers of life have an obligation to assist the weak, educate the ignorant and defend the incompetent in the maintenance of common liberty and assist in the defense and exercise of their individual liberty and personal rights, but they have no corresponding duty to the cowardly, the unconcerned or the criminal.


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Contact Henry Nicolle
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 17 August, 2004