Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen Candidate
Revised 30 July

Home Principles Problems Press

Small Deceits
The Great Thefts of our Inherent Rights and Liberty have been achieved by stealth, deception and deceit of our dear associates, friends, neighbors and family in government positions. These tricks are usually small and unnoticed, but often they are so large they strain the credulity of even the casual observer.

Small Deceits
Small deceits usually arise from impatience or ignorance on both sides of the government service counter. The propensity of people to jockey for superiority provides an excellent, but unspoken administrative tool for reversing the master-servant relationship between public servants and Citizens.

The ability of even insignificant public servants to wield the great power of government to prevail in an encounter with an individual person has become a common tool of terror in our halls of government. An anxious willingness of common people to obey the demands of government people has been consciously and purposefully exploited by our officials.

Bureaucratic Small Deceits
For example, when an embarrassing question is asked, or if legitimacy is questioned of some claim of authority, the response is very likely not the proper and effective, "I don't know, Sir or Ma'am, but if you will wait a moment, I'll find someone who can help you."

More often, the response is an assertive and loudly demanding, "Who are you and why do you want to know?" This type of small and offensive belligerence is intended to intimidate the Citizen and challenge any presumption that his question deserves a response. The Citizen's willingness to cooperate then allows the government person an opportunity to unnecessarily record the name of the inquirer, require a government photo identification and ultimately deny or defer any useful response.

If the Citizen does not fall for this bullying and demands either the information or a Supervisor, it is likely that the only response to his inquiry and demand will be a call to law enforcement for his detention to identify him as a culprit under suspicion of interfering with a government employee's duties, or worse, to face accusations of "terrorizing" a government person".

Small Deceits, Trickery and Lies with Hidden Purposes
Another universal small deceit is the traffic officer's demand that a person remain in or exit their automobile, upon a common roadside stop and seizure. If you ask, "Is that a command or a request?", the officer will first respond, "It is a request for your safety and mine."

The officer's statement to you is deceptive. It is a lie. He knows it is a lie. His "Request" is your "Command", because his purpose is to control your location, limit your ability to move or access weapons, dispose of evidence or escape during the encounter. The command has very little to do with your safety and everything to do with the officer's well being, comfort and convenience and the collection of evidence to convict you.

It is poor public relations for the officer to admit that he has issued a command and he knows that his command must be obeyed at his own risk. His self-interest, orders and department policy rule his conduct. His lie to you is of no consequence to his boss and your mistaken understanding worries no one. In most traffic stops, the entire encounter is fraudulent, establishing and implementing two essential elements of tyranny: coercion of obedient submission by the citizen and the harvesting of the citizen's labor. If anyone is prosecuted for the consequences of this small deceit, it will be neither the officer nor his chain of command.

At each attempt by government to reduce the Citizen to a subject and at each stage of resistance by the citizen, the consequences of retaliation and reinforcement of irresponsible demands by petty officials escalates. A prisoner, arrested for interfering with the lawful duties of a government person will be booked into jail. As part of this process, the prisoner is asked to sign various documents, none of which is he required by law to sign. His reluctance to sign is often punished immediately by rough treatment or/and a beating by two or more officers, with the reminder that when the prisoner is told to do something the orders must be obeyed. These exercises of non judicial assault and battery are considered "normal", standard, acceptable conduct.

If you believe this narrative is a little over-reaching and accusatory, consider the other reasons an officer wants you to obey his "requests". Consider the other common "requests" law enforcement and other government people demand of you. "Let's see what's in the trunk.", We're going to search your car. Do you mind?", "Put the contents of your pockets on the ground.", "Let's see some I.D.",
"May I see your Drivers License, please?", "Fill out this form.", "What are you doing here?", "Where are you going?", "Where are you coming from?", "Go wait over there.", "Sign this.". The list is endless. Most of these are simply conversational and idle requests, without any authority to demand or coerce compliance. But the presumption of government people is that we are expected to obey without objection or questions and if we object or question, there are all sorts of minor and major hell to pay for our "disrespect for authority".

There are thousands of variations of these small deceits perpetrated by government people every hour of every day. The net result is intentional. The People must conduct their business with government people with a self demeaning, submissive and undemanding demeanor or suffer a standard bureaucratic disciplinary response, possibly including detention, arrest and incarceration for imaginary offenses.

A subservient and obedient population is necessary for efficient administration of terrorist government. These small deceits are the seeds of terror. If a government person asks you a question, you must obey or suffer the consequences. If a government person tells you to do something, you must obey without question, or else be prepared to pay the consequences. Requests by government persons must elicit the same automatic response as a command. Bureaucratic obstinacy, repetition, consistency of retaliation and escalated retaliation are the common weapons of terror in the hands of low public servants.

These weapons are very effective. They create and nourish an environment of low-grade terror to evoke the citizen responses necessary to enable government people to alter the form of government without arousing effective adversarial discontent and resistance by the general population.

When pressed, most people in government will complain "I'm only doing my job. I'm making my living, just as you are." Consider their complaint the next time one of them bullies you with tough talk, assault, arrest or other retaliation for your proper conduct as a Free Man or Woman. When you ask a simple question and you hear, "Who are you and why do you want to know?" Demand in return, "Who are you, what's your ID and who is your supervisor?" Your next conversation should be with their supervisor, (not with the offending public servant), and your question should be, "Why are you permitting offensive and impertinent conduct by the employees you supervise?". Who is the master and who is the servant is your first priority for settlement.


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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 30 July, 2004