The Origin of Sovereignty:
Inherent (Natural) Rights and Powers of Human Men and Women
The defense of individual liberty and individual rights precedes
all needs of society, because the rights and liberty of society are merely
reflections of the respect by society for the rights and liberty held by
the least of their individual members.
Tyranny over, or sacrifice of, any single individual or group of individuals
for the general welfare of society is mutually destructive. It is of no
matter if the tyranny is by abuse of delegated authority or by a vote of
an irresponsible majority. Tyranny's teeth are unremarkable.
Necessary Co-Existance of Individual Powers and Powers of Society
Our Declaration of Independence acknowledges that humans are
born in full possession of all rights and powers of life, each free to
travel about, each with the power to acquire, use and dispose of property,
to procreate, to kill, to dominate, to modify his environment and to engage
in all other conduct possible.
A human's only restraint on his exercise of individual sovereignty is
the presence of other humans acting also as they please.
Society consists of the cooperation between humans to moderate individual
powers, while a member of that society, in order to enjoy the benefits
of association with the least restriction on individual rights and powers.
Delegation and Exercise of Individual Sovereign Powers
In our country, our inherent individual rights and powers are
the source of certain powers delegated for the establishment of our state
Our state representatives, with our concurrence, created our federal
government by delegating certain powers of the states for governing the
union of states.
Delegation is not surrender; it is a lease of uncertain duration, at
the pleasure of the People. The power of the Citizens, the People, is infinite;
the powers shared for governing are limited and temporary. Delegated powers
may be exercised by individuals when they deem prudent and necessary. The
individual right to use deadly force in the urgent defense of life, limb
and property is one example of concurrent exercise of powers.
Heirarchy of Powers in American Self-Government
It does not take a expert in constitutional law or a rocket
scientist to understand and explain that the federal government has fewer
and more limited powers than the states; and that the states have fewer
and more limited powers than the People... and among the People, the individual
Citizen is the ultimate source of both authority and powers for governing.
The claim made by all State constitutions and the federal constitution
that the Constitution is the supreme Law of the Land is a misleading half-truth.
The "supremacy" claimed is possible ONLY in those areas of governing
which have been first delegated to the states by their People, and of those
state powers, only those which have been delegated to the federal government
in the service of the states. In all other matters where the federal government
has not been extended powers, federal actors are impotent and state and
individual powers remain supreme.
Sovereignty of Our Governments Resides in the People
It is the liberty and rights of consenting individual Citizens
that invigorate our societies and empower our governments. Individual Citizens
with inherent rights and liberty are our most valuable of all treasures.
Are these not worth defending with our lives? Remember the pledge of our
predecessors at the signing of the Declaration of Independence and consider
how far we have fallen from that promise.
When some public servant asserts the "sovereignty" of the government,
he is ignorant or dismissive of the truth. "Sovereignty" in the sense of
our governing instituions may be applied only in regard to the relationships
between governments and foreigners. None of our governments are capable
of possessing inherent powers, much less powers of sovereignty, except
as noted here.
Public Servants
The people who serve in governing capacities have no powers
of common sovereignty in their public capacities.
They have no personal powers, they hold only those powers provided by
statute and regulation for the exercise of the assigned duties of their
They have no rights, only authorities, enumerated and restricted by
Constitution, statute and regulation.
They serve the People as "Public Servants", that means "Servants of
the People".
Our servants, high and low, tend to have short memories regarding who
governs and who rules. The People, consisting of the Citizens of the states
are the rulers and those who serve in capacities within all our governments,
... well, ...they serve,
they do not rule.
If our Constitutions command our public servants, if our statutes, regulations
and policies properly restrict the conduct and activities of our public
servants to the authorities and constratints of our constituions, we would
be a free people and I would not be a candidate.
Unfortunately, our Constitutions no longer have a controlling effect
upon the the conduct of our servants nor in the laws, regulations and policies
that are imposed upon us each moment of our lives. We have allowed ourselves
and our lives to be indentured by our representatives and bureaucrats to
the desires and destinations of our private and public institutions. Citizenship
status, state or federal, has devolved to a functionally meaningless legal
Call to Action
It is necessary from time to time, to reassert our authority of sovereignty
over our servants, and that time is long overdue. They have become insolent
and overbearing, presuming powers and privileges over us that they do not
hold, or if furtively purloined and unlawfully held, which they shall not
be allowed to hold much longer.
Today, it is our duty, and without further delay, to proceed with action
as necessary to preserve our liberty and to contain the conduct of government
to the bounds of our constitutions. Volunteer to help place Henry Nicolle
on the November ballot and VOTE.
Your help and your vote will join others in aggressive cooperation to
restore individual liberty, defend individual rights and to remove the
clear and present dangers we experience by insurrection among our governing