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Our society's Defense of Liberty is the sole purpose for our placing power over our lives and property in the hands of a select few of our fellow Citizens. We trust that our purpose will not be betrayed.So, what is this "Liberty" that must be defended or betrayed? I think that Liberty is the full possession and exercise of individual inherent Rights. A right without expression is a nullity. Liberty is the power of expression of our rights of travel, property, contract, family and every other right possible to imagine.
Liberty, (similarly as with rights), can be defined in as many ways as there are people to define the term.
Here are a few:
- Freedom;
- independence;
- The quality or state of being free;
- immunity from arbitrary exercise of authority: political independence;
- (Pick one or all) "freedom of choice"; "liberty of opinion"; "liberty of worship"; "liberty--perfect liberty--to think or feel or do just as one pleases"; "at liberty to choose whatever occupation one wishes";
- personal freedom from servitude or confinement or oppression;
- The state of being free from willed constraints, constraints created by other people. A person who is "at liberty" may nonetheless have no freedom, such as the convict who has been released from prison because he is in the final stages of a terminal disease;
- Latin libertas: liber, free. The condition of a freeman; freedom from restraint; freedom;
- n. the quality or state of being free, the positive enjoyment of various social, political, or economic rights and privileges;
- Liberty is a condition that exists when a person has control over hir individual life and property and hir rights are respected;
- The right or power to be free;
- the freedom to believe what you want, freedom to choose your own friends, and to have your own ideas and opinions, to express your ideas in public, the right for people to meet in groups, and the right to have any lawful job or business;
- Freedom from oppression or the domination of a government;
- Freedom from unjust or undue governmental control;
- The principle that individuals should be free to act and think as they choose provided they do not infringe unreasonably on the freedom and well-being of others;
- and many more...
Liberty for ourselves, the Citizens of the states of our union, is all of these and more.For the purposes of my discussion and defense of liberty, I offer these simple premises:
Two of the most important aspects of liberty are the existence and possession of the inherent and individual rights common to all mankind.Liberty then, is the ability to exercise individual Rights.First among the rights of liberty is the right to exist.
Next among the rights of Liberty is the right defnd existance by any means necessary.
Next, perhaps, are the rights to own, enjoy and dispose of Property.
At the top of the Property list is the property of Inherent Rights themselves.
Rights are individual Properties that cannot be transferred, gifted, bought, sold or surrendered.
Liberty is a meaningless term if the exercise of Rights can be arbitrarily limited or denied. Such "rights" are more logically described by the term "privilege". Privileges are grants of immunity for conduct which would otherwise be prohibited and therefore cannot qualify as "Rights".
A right that is not exercised or cannot be defended is no "Right" at all.
The Defense of our common and individual Liberty is the demand we make upon our governments, our representatives and our public servants.
The presumptions by people in government to reverse the path of governing authority, and to redefine our Rights as mere privileges, are false presumptions, ripe for aggressive and undeniable rebuttal, repudiation and reprisal by the Citizens.
The concept of Liberty includes the principle that individuals should be free to act and think as they choose and to defend this right, provided they do not infringe unreasonably on the freedom and well-being of others.
"... all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness ..."We were a free people who killed and destroyed the people of our government and society who believed we were subject to their control. We created new, limited governing institutions for the sole purpose of Defense of Liberty of the individual Free Citizens of our union of states."... to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed ..."I, and others who love liberty know that our purpose has been betrayed. We are no longer a Free People. Our Liberty has been stolen and squandered and a counterfeit with the superficial appearance of Liberty has been placed in substitution.So, what is this "Liberty" that has been betrayed? And, why are its substitutes not sufficient?
First and foremost, the government's outlawing of Liberty and their substitution of privilege is a perpetual act of treason. It is contempt by the people of government for Rights of the People they serve and for our Authority to command their conduct. Their unlawful policy and conduct reflects their ignorance, or their misconception, of the superior and subordinate status of the two classes of our society, (the governing class and the ruling class).
The People are the Rulers. Yes, the "great unwashed and ignorant" population Rules. Live with it! We establish the rules for governing and allow ourselves to be governed within the effect of those rules. We, and ONLY we, can change those rules, and most significantly, we are not sworn to obey the rules we set for governing. Those rules may not be applied to us, they apply to those who desire the privilege of governing!
The people of government do not Rule, they merely serve the Rulers by administering and performing the common tasks of the Rulers which the Rulers see fit to delegate. Their mission is defined by the Rulers and they must accept the goals of the Rulers and they must faithfully perform their duty to achieve those goals. The authority and powers they weild are not their own, their mission is not of their selection and the conduct of their duty is defined, limited and constrained by the Rules established by the Rulers.
The people of government govern by our consent and within our control.
When they abandon their privilege to serve and presume to rule, they have made the fatal error that all fallen governments of history have made. They have forgotten their place and their purpose. They attempt to be what can never be... the rulers of a free people. A free people are their own rulers and cannot tolerate a government that objects to this principle.
"... whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it ..."The people of our government have NEVER been authorized to CONTROL our liberty as a means of PROTECTING it. This policy is treason because its conduct is the reversal of our purpose for government and consent to this treason is unreasonable.In fact, we are not lawfully obliged to obey any laws or any government attempt to enforce laws and policies contrary to our principles for the establishment of government.
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