Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen for Congress
Revised 18 July

Home Principles Problems Press

Correcting the Errors and Misunderstandings
Popular Misconception and Opinion

Most people today are either ignorant of our form of government and its processes, or terribly misunderstand the form and processes. The presumptions that our governments are democracies and that federal laws are supreme in the Union are pure nonsense, drawn from ignorance and misunderstanding! A People who do not understand the source and character of their rights to existence, liberty, property and self-determination will soon discover they have no rights that they may exercise and no liberty that they may enjoy.


The federal government is not the "Supreme" authority of our union of states.
Federal powers are re-delegations of powers delegated to the states.(More)

Enumerated powers for enumerated purposes are the ONLY powers of the federal government that people of the federal government may lawfully exercise.

So, when the courts or anyone in government claim that federal law trumps local law, or even your own good sense, you can be certain that they are probably ignorant or attempting a criminal deception ... or both. The single behavior that you encounter with a government person is their reliable willingness to "pull rank or prank" on the ignorant or meek Citizen.

Federal law does not apply to everyone in the United States.
Federal powers have two jurisdictions - limited powers within the states and unlimited powers without the states. (More)
The federal government may exercise only those powers delegated under the constitution.

The federal government may enforce general laws when acting generally for the union. These are few and have effect generally in among the states and all other areas within the boundaries of the United States.

The people of our federal government may also "exercise exclusive legislation in all cases whatsoever," over the District of Columbia and all places purchased by the Congress. These laws may not be enforced within the exterior boundaries of any state.

The FBI is not a National Police force
This is silly. The FBI has jurisdiction only in federal jurisdictions and even then, the authority of the FBI is seriously constrained by U.S. Justice Department authorities and judicial rulings.
California is not a democracy, it is a Republic as are ALL our state and federal government!
No state of the union, not even our federal government, is a democracy. Each and every one of our governments are of republican form with limited democratic processes. Our constitutions restrict governing processes from subjecting rights of individuals to the tyranny of the majority. We require our federal government to maintain republican forms of government in our states.
The Constitution does not grant us rights and can not guarentee our rights.
Inherent rights and powers are the source of all governing powers. The government cannot grant or guarentee something that it cannot possess.
Remember, our rights, sovereign powers and authority are assets that devolve upon each human at birth. Our individual and societal rights and powers are NOT granted by any power of government. We already have all the rights and powers possible for a human to possess. What powers the government has, are those WE provide for THEIR use. The government have no rights. We can take our powers back.
(More to come)


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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 18 July, 2004