Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen for Congress
Revised 13 August

Home Principles Problems Press

Citizenship Citations
Authorities and quotations on Citizenship
 There is no such thing as a "citizen of the United States”in the sense of the qualifications clauses. This citation is from a California court case from 1855, before the War between the States:
“A citizen of any one of the States of the union, is held to be, and called a citizen of the United States, although technically and abstractly there is no such thing. To conceive a citizen of the United States who is not a citizen of some one of the States, is totally foreign to the idea, and inconsistent with the proper construction and common understanding of the expression as used in the Constitution, which must be deduced from its various other provisions. The object then to be attained, by the exercise of the power of naturalization, was to make citizens of the respective States.”
    Ex Parte Knowles, 5 Cal. 300

Our Government  is not about commerce and safety. It is about our liberty.
Our governments are created to Protect our Rights and to Preserve our Liberty!

My purpose today is to determine who decides the purpose and limits of our lifes, property and children. Is it us, or is it the people in government?

So, are you a free and independent member of a free People? These are the words we use for ourselves. Do they have any meaning that can be respected?

Or are you a "human capital" and "human (labor) resource" of the State? These are the people in our governments' choice of words.

You cannot be both!

Our delegated powers are abused and used against us to coerce our submission by force of arms. This is treason, and insurrection and seditious conduct by the people in our governments.

If you concede that you are merely the means serving the ambition of others and that your life, property and children are at the command of the ambitious, then you waste your time reading my platform and principles.

If you understand and value liberty, please read on; and please support my candidacy. We have nearly lost our capacity to recover control of our governments by ordinary means. We cannot safely delay our return.


"... all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness ..."
           Declaration of Independence


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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 13 August, 2004