Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen
Revised 17 April, 2010

Home Principles Problems Press

Abuse of Authority
Abuse in General

There is a large class of abuses which include corruption and violations of constitutional statutes.

It becomes a matter of special concern to citizens when officials conspire with one another to not enforce the law against such corruption, and use the resources of government and the powers of their offices to cover up such crimes or otherwise protect the perpetrators, whether such crimes are committed by officials themselves or by powerful persons who are allowed to become a privileged class that is above the law.

When officials fail to enforce the law, citizens must step in and take action to see that the laws are enforced, and replace those officials with others who will do their constitutional duty.

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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 17 April, 2010