Diary of a Political Captive in the United States of America
America: Freedom to Fascism, a personal recollection by Henry Nicolle, circa 2007, prior to the third War for Liberty in America
First Draft 01 April, 2007

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This article is the first in a series describing the fall of Liberty from American Society and the rise of  rebellion among those people who govern America. The series will illustrate the immediate threat of institutional violence and terror we have allowed to percolate through our institutions and governing cultures. The series utilizes an occurrence so common in daily American life, that its deadly consequences arising from our casual acceptance can no longer be tolerated.

The challenges and choices offered by this series are not likely to be easily accepted by the average American. In fact, some of the allegations offered will be rejected outright by true-believers in the integrity of American government and labeled "preposterous" and "figments of an overactive and undereducated imagination". Unfortunately, some Americans still believe in Santa Claus, that the currency of the United States Federal Reserve is backed by the gold in Fort Knox and that our People are free and our wars are just.

So, let's get this train rolling on the right track by stating at the outset, that the content of these essays is not intended to persuade our common federal U.S. citizens. They will be unconcerned, confident that the few who do read and understand this series are in fact, few and scattered. The purpose of these essays is to bring the few and scattered Patriots and lovers of Liberty to a consensus of action for the purpose and definition of our republic and for its restoration and for the removal of the rebels who infest our institutions and offices. I seek the end of unlimited warfare upon the world's people and resources. I seek the end of the war by our government upon the People of our Country. I seek the restoration of Liberty for the Free Men and Free Women of our free society.

Is this asking too much of Americans? What is so wrong with Liberty that the people of our government fight so strongly to deny it?

In conjunction with this series of essays, I am also initiating a new "Madame La Farge's list". Madame La Farge was a character in "A Tale of Two Cities", a novel of the French Revolution. Madame La Farge kept a secret diary by the knotting of her knitting, recording offenses gross and minor, real and imagined by people of power against people of no power, the commoners of the French monarchy. Then, as is necessary today, her knitting concealed her private notes from the often violent intrusions and searches by the police and army of her day. In the end, Madame LaFarge's revolutionary excesses and vindictive spirit cost even her own head. However, her list provided the substance of personal accountability for the casual criminal conduct of people in government and power which would have otherwise have gone un-noticed by the law and unpunished for its evil.

It is time to begin a modern Madame La Farge list for real, not imaginary purposes. The Judicial Accountability Initiative and Law (J.A.I.L. 4 Judges) measure in South Dakota, and newly sparked similar actions in Florida, Oklahoma and Arizona reveal how personal accountability in government can be achieved in full compliance with Constitution, statute and effective purpose. But first, one must name names and warn of offensive conduct.

These are perilous times for our People and for Liberty. Our enemies in government and without are well organized and wealthy. They are also dedicated to our destruction and willful to drive us to submission. They have the experience of success in their action against our liberty and they are accustomed to their overwhelming superiority in all venues.

Liberty in 2007 and beyond will not be safe, easy or inexpensive.

Wish us luck, but let's get started.

Henry Nicolle
April Fools' Day, 2007
City of San Buenaventura, California

First of a series of essays for Liberty in America - circa 2007

Introduction - Setting the Stage for Making a Mountain of a Molehill
01 April, 2007 - City of San Buenaventura, California

Who is Henry?

I am Henry Nicolle, a natural Montanan and a voluntary Californian.
I was born a free human in America to a natural Louisianan and a natural Nebraskan in 1943. I know that most of my fellow Citizens will perceive my claim of status with curiosity, the political significance of my words lost to their indoctrination by our modern rulers. But as this series of essays progresses, those deficiencies of knowledge will be rectified and I hope that by the end, we all will be prepared to restore our lost republic and to re-seize our lost Liberties from those who have stolen them.

I am a political prisoner in America, the Land of Liberty
I have been a political captive in my office and lab since I was released from institutional captivity on February 28th, 2007. Any natural rights I may claim at this late stage of my life are rights which, should I choose to exercise them, will result in my death at the hands of the very nice people in government. This is the cold, hard fact of our modern existence.

What rights? Start with the simple ones of liberty - to travel freely about my country, to own, use and dispose of property freely within my country, to freely associate with my friends and to share their company and travels, to keep and bear whatever means are necessary to defend my person, my friends and my property, to freely contract or to not contract for goods and services as I please, to trade my labor, skills and creativity for the means to sustain my life, my home, my property as I please, to hold and espouse opinions which may be controversial or unusual, to counsel with others to determine the efficacy of our governing institutions and to discuss our willingness to tolerate the criminal conduct rampant among our institutions and perhaps to organize to change the personnel of those institutions if they no longer serve our needs.

Every item of the previous paragraph are rights inherent by our Declaration, protected by our Constitutions and clarified by the purpose of the first ten amendments to the federal Constitution. So, if my words sound like those of a lunatic or of a desperately misinformed malcontent, please consider the remainder of this introduction and defer making your conclusion until you have as a modern radio commentator says, "The Rest of the Story".

The Denied Heritage of Liberty in America

Our liberty was Seized for us by the Brutal and Violent acts of Liberty's Advocates
Our successful revolution of 1776 was the result of a step of evolution in human philosophy realized during the Enlightenment Period. A small minority of colonists used force of arms to cast out all the people of our legitimate government and their supporters of the period and created a new country. This new country was occupied by individuals whose powers of sovereignty were equal to or greater than any King, Queen or Emperor by virtue of the mere fact of their existence and having no initial government of other people to impose a greater force upon their individual will.

Free People Cooperate for Common Purpose
Human society always creates cooperation between its members. Our Declaration of Independence confirms this tendency and asserts that in our society, we share common attributes possessed by all of our fellow Citizens, including, but not limited to an inherent and individual right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. This fundamental assertion contained within The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America is the origin of our free society of free men and free women.

Our  new Governing Institutions were intended to defend Individual Rights, Liberty, Property and Self-Determination
The men and women who preserved their thoughts by our Declaration continued further to assert that the sole purposes for the governing institutions we create are to defend our inherent rights, to protect our liberty to freely exercise our inherent rights and to preserve self-determination of our lives. This revolutionary concept concluded that preservation of the rights, liberty and happiness of the individual, paramount over those which were traditionally presumed for society, were the best  assurance for a successful, peaceful and prosperous society and would be the sole preservative for a free People.

Our founders further asserted, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it.

The people of our modern governing institutions have betrayed our foundations and their purpose
Just prior to his assassination, Abraham Lincoln re-constructed this assertion to more closely describe the new centrally governed nation, the involuntary Union of States that he had created by military force. The new truism as Lincoln restated it is, that whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people, if they have the power, to alter or to abolish it.

Proof of Rebellion among the people of government
We live today under a quasi-fascist rule, the direct consequence implied by Lincoln's treasonous remark. I am a political prisoner, a living demonstration of this reality.

The Dirty Details of Arrest, Punishment and Trial
My liberty to travel freely was interrupted by armed force with no crime attributable to me committed, contemplated or suspected by the "officer". I was arrested for "delaying an officer in the lawful performance of her duties", for "not having a drivers license", for failing to have a "light at the license plate", for "not providing a drivers license when demanded by the officer", for "not providing satisfactory identification when demanded by an officer" and for not "having a drivers license in my possession".

These are all easily accepted by our population as accepted law and most people would believe that I have no reason to complain about my treatment. This is what I mean about indoctrination of our common federal U.S. citizens. Every charge in this list is a civil, non-arrestable offense except the charge of delaying an officer. The reason my travel was interrupted was the license plate light complaint and that is a civil offense which does not even rise to the level of a "public offense".

It is specifically against our law for an officer to interfere with the travel of anyone to check for drivers' license violations. It is specifically against our law for an officer to interfere with the travel of a Citizen to check for vehicle registration or insurance violations.

There are only two conditions which allow an officer to interfere with the travel of a Citizen. One is consensual, such as to ask what time it is. The other is non-consensual, that is with reasonable cause to believe you already have, are or are about to commit a criminal public offense.

What is wrong with this picture? Regardless of what "everybody knows", I was interrupted in my peaceful, safe and innocent journey from my lab to my house, forcibly accosted by armed men and women, chained, stripped and held incommunicado for three calendar days. Now, at the cost of thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours of time, I must prove my innocence against insurmountable presumptions of guilt by arrest and incarceration? These cicumstances demand expansion and discussion. That, my friends will be the beginning of our understanding of armed rebellion within our ranks of government.

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Next Installation: Philosophy, Constitution, Statute and Policy in America as necessary to explain Rebellion in Government, circa 2007

1. Henry was interrupted in his lawful travel by Ventura Police Department officer Cindy Rudas for the offense of having an unlit license plate on the evening of February 26th, 2007.  Officer Rudas arrested Mr. Nicolle and he was  incarcerated by the Ventura County Sheriff's Department Detention Services early on the 27th of February, confined naked and ultimately released from involuntary custody early in the morning of 28 February, 2007.

You can follow my adventures with Official Rebellion in the Halls of Government by viewing the ongoing Docket here:
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Henry   Nicolle
02   12   1943