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Henry Nicolle
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Last Revision 03 December, 2018
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Let me begin with a personal introduction.

entered this world in the middle of World War Two.
That makes me an aging member of our outgoing elder generation.

The U.S. Federal Government has been in continuous, unconstitutionally undeclared war
for my entire life. We are engaged in six undeclared wars now, as I write.

My father was an Army Air Corps enlisted man; a city boy from Louisiana.
My mother was a nurse and teacher; a farm girl from Nebraska.
I was their first child, born in Glasgow, Montana, raised with three brothers
in the peripatetic environment of service brats during wartime.

Bored with school at 17, I joined the U.S. Marine Corps,
afterwards entering 25 years of entrepreneurial life, adventure, challenge and technology.
My first-hand experience with Federal treachory
at the highest levels through institutional corruption provoked my abandonment of the "System".
After another 25 years of Californian "Political Exile in Place"
I sought a more "American Standard" location for my business and home.

It took a couple years of consideration and physical search
to discover the People and Environment of Rawlins and Wyoming.
I have been welcomed by many of my new neighbors
and I consider it my privilege to enjoy association with my new community.

I own and operate a small business in Rawlins called SEKO Forklift Scale.
We are the North American Distributor for a hi-tech manufacturer in Malaysia.
I also manufacture efficiency accessories supporting the scale systems
and a line of coiled tethers for aquatic and general purposes.

From the beginning of my move to Rawlins, I have been a member of the Chamber of Commerce
and a Gold level contributor to the Carbon County Economic Development Corporation.

The Rawlins Times has granted me the privilege of publishing my weekly essay.

I am a strong advocate for growth and prosperity from within our community
 and for vibrant engagement and communication among our People.

I stand for individual rights, dignity and responsibility, liberty, equality under the Law and accountability.

Our Revolution in 1776 was fought to secure our inherent rights and liberty.

Our purpose for government to be simply to preserve inherent rights of the individual,
to protect our liberty to exercise those rights and finally,
to protect individual rights to property and the pursuit of happiness.

Please join me to recover our individual rights and liberty,
to put down the rebellion by government people,
and to take back our command of our own destiny.

Click Here for My Background

Welcome to My Challenge to Recover Our Liberty!

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Liberty is never given, it must always be seized and aggressively defended.