Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen for Congress
Revised 16 July

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Comments on Treason
The recent hijacking of our country's military and economy to engage in our country's first War of Conquest is the culmination of a number of acts of treason. Treason in the Constitutional sense, Article III, Section 3, which reads:
"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort."
The military invasion and occupation of the Republic of Iraq, the economic and political invasion and occupation of the Republic of Iraq, the removal of the Iraqi People's governing institutions and the installation of an ersatz ruling body without the cooperation, participation or consent of the People of Iraq, is the conclusion of a series of treasonous conduct by George Bush, John Ashcroft, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Richard B. Cheney and Condoleezza Rice others who collaborated in the usurpation of powers delegated to the Congress.

Political acts which serve to abrogate the terms of our Constitution include the deception of the People and our representatives in the Congress to advance their scheme to use the resources of the People to wage a private war of conquest, occupation and plunder in the guise of a preventative war to defend our country's Territory, Property and People within our own borders.

The Congress has abandoned their duty to declare war or to not declare war by merely silently acquiescing without objection to the hijacking of our military forces and treasury by George Bush. Certain members of the House of Represenatatives and the Senate share accountability for their participation in the trickery and treason by the Executive.

The Judiciary has refused to deliberate on the collusion of the other branches, (probably because the courts have no powers with which to assert and enforce their authority to decide these issues). The current justices of the federal judiciary have abrogated their authority to serve in the Judicial branch by abandoning their constitutional duty to balance the other Branches and to restrain the federal government from sliding into tyranny through the collusion and cooperation of the three branches.

Prior presidents and executive branch members have engaged in unprovoked acts of war for various reasons unrelated to the well-being of the People. But the deliberate execution and conduct of the conquest, occupation and pillaging of a sovereign nation, and forcibly subjecting its people to the establishment of a synthetic and puppet-like government is a noxious and unforgivable blow to the viability of self-government in our country.

The government of the United States, in order to accomplish the acts which have brought our country to our recent invasions and wars in Europe, Afghanistan, Iraq and perhaps to other countries in the near future, have had to abandon the principles for governing by the People of the United States, the assertions made by our Declaration of Independence and the People's purposes for establishing government under the Constitution for the United States of America.

It is very possible to state accurately and with full truth, that George Bush and the men and women who facilitated these foreign adventures, invasions and wars of conquest have acted for themselves, not in our country's interests, without the authority of the People and are each no more than criminals, thinly clad with only the appearance of authority. They are criminal  imposters and traitors, acting in color of authority, but without the lawful authority of the People.

The abrogation by the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the separation of powers doctrine has reduced the government of the United States to a common authoritarian bureaucracy with criminal tendencies.

When the purpose of the people in government is to remove the controlling hand of the People from the affairs of government and to eliminate their exercise of governing powers, the purpose is treason. No greater blow to our Union, no greater levy of War against any or all of our states, no greater method of adherence to our Enemies or of giving them Aid and Comfort can be made than that such a personal and venal betrayal be perpetrated by those most trusted of our society, of our Constitution, of our People, of our Life and Liberty.

If we merely censor or replace a President anmd his henchmen who have so brought our nation to dishonor and who has created countless enemies among the world's people that were not previously so disposed to war against our People, then our remaining representatives, officials and common public servants will not be convinced that we are willing to forcefully and personally restrain their criminal conduct and their abuses of the Constitution, the People and the people of the world will continue both unabated and reinforced.

George Bush and others must face charges of impeachment, removal from office and trial for treason against the People and the states of the United States of America. In the event that our election processes preempt the organization of impeachment of George Bush and others, investigations and prosecutions for treason and crimes against the People and the States must still continue to their conclusions, if only to establish the unequivocal unacceptability of usurpation and collusion for the usurpation of powers and for the levying of War without the advice and consent of the People, for abandoning formal inquiry and consideration of the necessity for War by the Congress, and for the levying of War by the Executive lacking an explicit declaration of War by the Representatives of the People and the States in Congress.

The People and states of the United States of America do not intend to allow our powers and resources to be used to make us the warrior conquerors of free people, nor to plunder the wealth and exploit unwilling labors of the people of the world, nor is it our intention to impose political structures or social order or personal philosophies and beliefs upon the people of the world.


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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel/FAX: 805-650-8801 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 16 July, 2004