Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen for Congress
Revised 17 August

Home Principles Problems Press


Principles of Our Self-Government

The following statements summarize the essential, underlying principles of our self-government upon which I base my arguments and offer my candidacy as Representative. They are simplified restatements of our Declaration of Independence, federal Constitution and the revolutionary debates of 1765 through 1795.
Men and women, are each born with ALL temporal powers and authority possible for humans to possess. Considered individually, each of us is a supreme power, a sovereign, whose will and pleasure are subject only to the physical constraints of mortality.

Together, we are the People, our individual powers voluntarily tempered in cooperative association and, as the People, we comprise the sovereignty of our governments. You and I are the source of all powers and sole authority for governing in our country.

Our government, institutions, representatives and other employees possess no inherent powers. Without our explicit consent and delegation, our public servants possess no authority over any of us.

Our sole purpose for creating and tolerating government is to defend our individual rights and preserve our liberty from all enemies, foreign and domestic. This term "domestic" includes "from the government".

Our chosen form of government in our states and of our union is a republican form, with limited democratic processes. Not one of our governments is a democracy!

By the republican form of government, we allow the people who serve in governing positions only limited and well-defined powers with which to conduct our public duties and we deny the tyranny of the majority vote of our fellow People.

We prohibit the people who serve in governing positions from all activity not specifically allowed by our delegation and enumeration.

We especially deny the people who serve in governing positions any authority for conduct which endangers the right or liberty of any of the People and which has not been delegated (shared) by the People among the governing powers.

These concepts, delegations and prohibitions for governance are contained in the terms of our federal and state constitutions. Every state government and the federal government are in republican form with limited democratic processes.

I repeat, our governments are NOT "democracies" and attempts to force our republics into full democratic form are misguided efforts by poorly educated and irrational critics of our self-governing processes. Tyranny by majority vote is always the end of all democracies.

The republican form assures that tyranny of the majority, a common fault of democracy, is checked in government.

The enumerated and circumscribed delegation of powers of the Constitution preserves the limits of representative or republican government.

The limited democratic processes preserve our ability to initiate and persuade governing policy and to alter both law and government when we determine the necessity to do so.

Are our laws constitutionally valid? Examine any law, regulation or policy that people in government enforce upon your private existence and conduct. Does the law defend your inherent rights? Does it preserve your liberty? If it does one or both without disparaging either or both, then it probably is a valid enactment. If not, then you would be prudent to investigate both the validity and its application to your and your conduct.

Here is a logical truth table:

Law Preserves
Law Defends
Is Law

We are in the current time of such necessity. The people in government are no longer our servants, but our masters in most things. If we wait to bring discipline to our government, the evil in government will be strengthened and we will be forced by our neglect to an internal war.

That eventuality is extremely undesirable. We do not want to go there.

Please help me preserve our rights, liberty and self-governing institutions.

Write-In my name on your Ballot
Henry Nicolle for Representative to Congress


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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 17 August, 2004