Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen for Congress
Revised 13 August

Home Principles Problems Press

Principles of Government
The following statements summarize the essential, underlying principles of our self-government upon which I base my arguments and offer my candidacy as Representative.
The Citizens of our states are the People by whose powers and authority our governments exist.

You and I are men and women, each born with ALL temporal powers and authority possible for humans to possess. Considered individually, each of us is a supreme power, our will and pleasure subject only to the physical constraints of mortality.

Together, we are the People, our individual powers voluntarily tempered in cooperative association. As the People, we comprise the sovereignty of our governments, the source of all powers and sole authority for governing in our country.

Our government, institutions, representatives and other employees possess no inherent powers. Without our explicit consent and delegation, our public servants possess no authority over any of us.

Our chosen form of government in our states and of our union is a constitutional republican form, with limited democratic processes.

By this form of government, we allow the people who serve in governing positions only limited and well-defined powers with which to conduct our public duties and we deny the tyranny of the majority vote of our fellow People.

We prohibit the people who serve in governing positions from all activity not specifically allowed by delegation and enumeration.

We deny the people who serve in governing positions any authority for conduct which endangers the right or liberty of any of the People and which has not been delegated (shared) by the People among the governing powers.

These concepts, delegations and prohibitions for governance are contained in the terms of our federal and state constitutions. Every state government and the federal government are republican form with limited democratic processes.

Our governments are NOT "democracies" and attempts to force our republics into full democratic form are misguided efforts by poorly educated and irrational critics of our self-governing processes.

Tyranny by majority vote is always the end of all democracies.


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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 13 August, 2004