Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen for Congress
Revised 13 August

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Prelude to Treason
George Bush, John Ashcroft, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Richard B. Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz and Condoleezza Rice are principals in the usurpation of powers delegated to the Congress, to deceive our People and our representatives in the Congress to advance their scheme to use the resources of the People to wage a war of conquest in the guise of a preventative war.

Prior administrations have engaged in unprovoked acts of war for various reasons unrelated to the well-being of the People. But the execution and conduct of the conquest, occupation and pillaging of a sovereign nation, and forcibly subjecting its people to the establishment of a synthetic and puppet like government is a noxious blow to the viability of self-government in our own country.

The crimes of this administration exceed those of any government since the period of the War between our states. Officials of prior administrations should have been brought to justice and had we done so, the present Executive, Congress and Judiciary likely would not have strayed so far from the Constitution so as to have betrayed it, and by their unlawful acts, brought hatred and war upon us by treason.

The abrogation by the Executive, Legislative and Judicial Branches of the separation of powers doctrine has reduced government in the United States to a common authoritarian bureaucracy. When the purpose of the people in government is to remove the controlling hand of the People from the affairs of government and the exercise of governing powers, the purpose is treason. No greater blow to our Union, no greater levy of War against any or all of our states, no greater method of adherence to our Enemies or of giving them Aid and Comfort can be made than such a personal and venal betrayal by those most trusted of our society, of our Constitution, of our People, of our Life and Liberty.

If we merely censor or replace an executive who has so brought our nation to dishonor and who has created countless enemies that were not previously so disposed to bring war to our People, then our representatives, officials and common public servants will not be convinced that we are willing to forcefully, personally restrain their criminal conduct, and their abuses of the Constitution, People and the people of the world will continue reinforced and unabated.

George Bush and his accomplices must face charges of impeachment, removal from office and trial for treason against the People and the states of the United States of America. In the event that our election processes pass us by for the impeachment of of George Bush and others, prosecution of treason must still continue to its conclusion, if only to establish the unacceptability of usurpation and collusion in the abandonment of Our authority and in the levying of War without the advice and consent of the People, without formal inquiry and consideration of the necessity for War by the Congress and without subsequent explicit declaration of War by the Representatives of the People and the States in Congress prior to any conduct of war by the Executive as Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces.

The People and states of the United States of America do not intend to allow our powers to be used by renegade officials to become the warrior conquerors of free people, nor to plunder the wealth and exploit unwilling labors of the people of the world, nor is it our intention to impose political structures or social order or personal philosophies and beliefs upon the people of the world.

Power Corrupts
Command of the most powerful armed forces in the history of the world, supported by the unlimited wealth of the People's resources has proven to be uncontrollable by specific constitutional delegations of authority and division of authority between the branches of the federal government.

It is Treason to Make War Without Authority
George Walker Bush has openly and deliberately abandoned the authority of the Congress and the People. Under color of law, he has committed our Military and Economic forces to a War of Conquest, Occupation and Domination. George Bush has usurped delegated War Powers unconditionally prohibited to his exercise by constitutional delegation exclusively to the Congress and withheld from the Executive.

War by Treason Creates Acts of War against Us in Just Retaliation and Recovery of Stolen Wealth
Since the Executive branch and the office of the President possess no war-making powers, he necessarily has acted in his private capacity. Such private acts are treason. George Bush has precipitated the waging of justifiable war against our country, our property and our people by those who we have invaded for retaliation and recovery of the wealth of their people that we have destroyed or stolen.

George Bush and Associates Must be Prosecuted
It is critically important that George Bush and his associates face prosecution for treason and for other crimes against the People and the states of the United States of America.

The Congress Holds the People's Sole Delegation for Committing the union of States to War
The Executive has usurped the War-Making Powers and control of the purse-strings of the Congress with the unauthorized acquiescence of the members of the House of Representatives and Senate

Cooperation Between the Branches to Circumvent the Constitution is Treason
We dare not permit the practice of silent collusion between the current Executive, Congress and Judiciary to continue, nor to permit their escape unpunished for their abandonment of constitutional safeguards to enable usurpation of powers for foreign conquest.

Acts Under Color of Law Are Individual and Personal Acts, Not "Official Acts"
When officials act without the authority of the Constitution, their conduct is "under color of law" and are personal acts, without privilege as our representatives. George Bush and his cohorts must face prosecution for their crimes under color of law against the states and the Constitution. They have no privilege of immunity from prosecution for personal conduct not authorized under the Constitution.

Federal Judiciary Abetting Treason and Collusion to Deny Self-Government by the People
The Judiciary have abrogated their duty to restrain the unconstitutional contrivances of the other two branches by refusing to hear the appeals of Citizens against the pursuit of unconstitutional wars. The Judiciary claims Citizens have no standing to challenge constitutionality of federal acts because there no controversy exists betweeen the Congress and the Executive. The justices silence confirms that the Citizens are not a party to federal Constitution.

The Judiciary became complicit in the treason of George Bush and in supporting collusion of the Congress by denying status by Citizens to properly challenge the constitutionality of war-making by a president without the authority for war by the congress. The cowardice of the Judiciary is evident by their silence when action was their duty.

I believe it is imperative for the survival of our self-government, the recovery of our liberty and the preservation of our individual rights, to hold the men and women of our current administration, of the Congress and Judiciary personally and criminally accountable for the conversion of our country into an instrument of conquest and for squandering the resources of this and future generations upon that adventure.

It is important that those people entrusted with the custody of our great powers and the fruit of our liberty should respect the awful responsibility that accompanies the authority and trust invested in their conduct. The abuse and negligence of our People's trust and liberty must bring terrible retribution upon those servants who dishonor us and place us in harms' way. We must set an example today, to establish our future assurance that treason is not merely a crime of the lowly, but a crime that the most powerful must especially tread carefully to avoid.

The Judiciary may not refuse to hear the People's objections to collusion between the Congress and the Executive to loosen their constitutional bindings in order to expand upon the powers delegated or to create powers not delegated in contravention of the limits imposed upon each by the Constitution..

Disobedience by the Executive, the Congress and the Judiciary to the delegations and prohibitions of our constitutions have conscripted the resources, lives and futures of the People and placed them in the hands of the Executive.

Command of the most powerful armed forces in the history of the world, and the unlimited wealth of the People's resources to put those forces to war has proven to be uncontrollable by constitutional delegations of authority and division of authority between the branches of government.

The Executive has usurped the War-Making Powers and control of the purse-strings of the Congress with the unauthorized acquiescence of the members of the House of Representatives and Senate

The Judiciary have abrogated their duty to restrain the unconstitutional contrivances of the other two branches by refusing to hear the appeals of Citizens against the pursuit of unconstitutional wars of preemptive aggression, of forceful occupation of foreign lands, of destruction of foreign governments and of establishing governments over people foreign to our, and their, ideals of governance and social construction.

I believe it is imperative for the survival of our self-government, the recovery of our liberty and the preservation of our individual rights, to hold the men and women of our current administration, of the Congress and Judiciary personally and criminally accountable for the conversion of our country into an instrument of conquest and for squandering the resources of this and future generations upon that adventure.

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 22 July, 2004