Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen for Congress
Revised 30 August

Home Principles Problems


Notes for a Work in Progress
Transient Grist in the Mill


We are each born in full possession of inherent (natural) rights equal to any and all other humans.
The philosophical font of our concept of Liberty is the presumption that all human rights, powers and liberty flow upon each us equally at birth.

This possession is independent of status, breed or completeness.

One of our inherent rights is the right to exercise whatever powers we may hold to defend all of our other rights.
Liberty is the individual exercise of Inherent Rights.
No government has inherent rights or powers.
It follows that no government can grant you any right or power you do not already fully possess from birth.
No governing entity has any capacity to grant us rights we do not already possess in full by our birth; and we have no capacity to surrender our birthrights.
Coexistence of individual powers for the needs of society is necessary for peace and prosperity.
A human's only restraints on his exercise of individual sovereignty are the laws of physics and the presence of other humans acting also as they please.

Our cooperative society predates government.

The defense of individual liberty and individual rights precedes all needs of our society, because the liberty and prosperity of our society merely reflects the respect by society for the individual rights and liberty held by the least of our members.

Tyranny over, or sacrifice of, any single individual or group of individuals for the general welfare of our society is destructive of both the individuals and society. It is of no matter if the tyranny is accomplished by abuse of delegated authority or by a vote of an irresponsible majority. Tyranny's teeth are unremarkable.

There are essentially only two forms of social cooperation:
          Collectivism and Self determinism.
Cooperation under Collectivism is essentially involuntary. Under every form of collectivism, individual liberty, rights, property, labor, life and children are subordinated, even sacrificed, to the contemporary ideas of general welfare and purposes of their leadership.

The people are allowed to exercise only minimal control over their lives, careers and family and have virtually no control of the policies and practices of those who rule them.

Their government is intrinsically omnipresent, exploitive and demanding.

Cooperation under Self-Determinism is essentially voluntary, with opportunity for individuals to participate with good effect in establishing the policies and practices of their governing class.

Individual rights, liberty, property, labor and children are valued and protected. Individual acts of self-determination cooperatively shape their society and direct the commerce and general welfare of the People.

Our government is intended to be protective, limited, and undemanding.

Our state and federal governments are created to defend our liberty and to preserve individual rights as a self-determining society. This foundation is established by our Declaration of Independence.
Our form of self-government is defined by our Constitution, a formalization of the concepts of our Declaration and principles incorporated and tested in our state constitutions.

Our form of government is intended to encourage self-determination of individuals and cooperation among our society. It encourages independent humans to moderate their individual powers while being a member of our society, in order to enjoy the benefits of cooperative association and imposing the least restriction on individual rights and powers.

Delegation and Exercise of Individual Sovereign Powers
Sovereignty of our society and for governing resides in the People of the states, not in our governments.
For our governing purposes, our inherent individual rights and powers are the source of powers delegated for the establishment of our state institutions. Only a few powers have been delegated, and those powers which have been delegated are conditional, that is, there are limits and conditions we impose upon their exercise..

Our federal government is a creation of the People's States.
Our state representatives, with our concurrence, created our federal government to govern the union of states by delegating certain powers originally delegated by the People for governance in the states. The powers extended to the exercise of the federal government by our representatives do not and cannot exceed the powers originally extended by the People to the State representatives, and are still limited by conditional exercise.

Delegated governing powers remain the authority and powers of the People
Delegation is not surrender; it is a lease of uncertain duration, at the pleasure of the People. The power of the Citizens, the People, is infinite; the powers shared for governing are limited and temporary. Delegated powers may be exercised by individuals when they deem prudent and necessary. The individual right to use deadly force in the urgent defense of life, limb and property is one example of concurrent exercise of powers.

Hierarchy of Powers in American Self-Government
The Citizens Command, the Governments Obey
It does not take a expert in constitutional law or a rocket scientist to understand and explain that the federal government has fewer and more limited powers than the states; and that the states have fewer and more limited powers than the People... and among the People, the individual Citizen is the ultimate total source of both unlimited authority and unlimited powers for governing.

Federal "Supremacy" is limited
The claim made by all State constitutions and the federal constitution that the Constitution is the supreme Law of the Land is a misleading half-truth. The "supremacy" claimed is possible ONLY in those areas of governing which have been delegated to the states by their People, and of those state powers, only those which have been delegated to the federal government in the service of the states.

In all other matters where the federal government has not been extended powers, federal actors are impotent and state and individual powers remain supreme.

Sovereignty of Our Governments Resides in the People
The State and Federal governments are NOT sovereign in relations with the People. They cannot be, for the powers of government may be altered or removed by the People at any time.

"Sovereignty" in the sense of our governing institutions may be applied only in regard to the relationships between our governments and foreigners. None of our governments are capable of possessing inherent powers, much less powers of sovereignty, except as just noted here.

When some public servant asserts the "sovereignty" of the government in intercourse with a Citizen, he is either ignorant or dismissive of the truth.

It is the liberty and rights of consenting individual Citizens that invigorate our societies and empower our governments. Individual Citizens with inherent rights and liberty are our most valuable of all treasures.

Are these not worth defending with our lives? Remember the pledge of our predecessors at the signing of the Declaration of Independence and consider how far we have fallen from that promise.

Public Servants
The people who serve in governing capacities have no powers of common or individual sovereignty when acting in their public capacities.

They carry no personal powers to their office. They hold only those powers provided by Constitution, statute and regulation for the exercise of the assigned duties of their office.

They carry no individual rights to their office. Their office has "rights" only in the sense of lawful duties relative to other public offices.

They serve the People as "Public Servants", that means "Servants of the People".

Our servants, high and low, tend to have short memories regarding who governs and who rules.

Plainly stated, the People, consisting of the Citizens of the states, are the rulers. Those who serve in any capacity within any of our governments, ... well, ...they serve, they do not rule.

If our Constitutions did command our public servants, if our statutes, regulations and policies did properly restrict the conduct and activities of our public servants to the authorities and constraints of our constitutions, we would be a free people and I would not be a candidate.

Citizen Authority Lost to Government Insurrection

Unfortunately, our Constitutions no longer have controlling effect upon the the conduct of our servants. Nor do they have any practical effect in the laws, regulations and policies that are imposed upon us each moment of our lives.

We have carelessly allowed ourselves and our lives to be indentured to the desires and destinations of our private and public institutions by representatives and bureaucrats. Citizenship and status has devolved to a functionally meaningless term of legal art.

Call to Action
It is necessary from time to time, to reassert our authority of sovereignty over our servants, and that time is long overdue. They have become insolent and overbearing, presuming powers and privileges over us that they do not hold, or if furtively purloined and unlawfully held, which they shall not be allowed to hold much longer.
Today, it is our duty, and without further delay, to proceed with action as necessary to preserve our liberty and to contain the conduct of government to the bounds of our constitutions.

Your help and your vote will join others in aggressive cooperation to restore individual liberty, defend individual rights and to remove the clear and present dangers we experience by insurrection among our governing institutions.

Please, VOTE in November and Write-In Henry Nicolle as your selection for Representative to Congress from California's 24th District..

Fundamental changes, such as the 14th, 16th and 17th amendments have been adopted, even though they have not been constitutionally ratified. Our courts refuse to hear the Citizens on these and other matters of constitutional significance, with the claim that these conflicts are political questions, and not questions of law. This claim is an abuse of judicial discretion, offensive to our constitution.

The people of our Federal and State governments by policy, statute and regulation, have effectively neutered individual exercise of inherent rights protected under the first ten amendments.

Citizenship itself has been rendered a meaningless term, of incomprehensible definition, incapable of substantive expression and held in universal disrespect by our courts and bureaucracies.

Our country's founders abhorred and destroyed a tyranny much less oppressive than the ones we tolerate today in the District of Columbia and our seats of State government.

It is self-evident that insurrection rages within our governing institutions -
Our intended purpose for government is the the defense of our rights and the preservation of our liberty. Our governments are abject failures in both duties and have become the primary enemies of our Rights and Liberty entrusted to their care. We must correct these failures.

Our friends and neighbors now in public service daily intimidate, injure, maim and murder our inhabitants, sometimes under color of law, but mostly without explanation or accountability. Their purpose is coercion with force of submission by terror and the effect is their uncontested harvest of our labor. We must terminate their power and retrieve our property.

Many of our public officials do not legally or lawfully hold the offices they appear to exercise. The law is clear, but they do not fear accountability. The problem is endemic. Few officials are willing to hold their associates accountable to the requirements of qualification, oath, undertaking, bond and other filing and certification requirements of office. We must remove the impostors and fakers, placing obedient servants properly in their places.

Our laws are of little general consequence when our elected officials, judges, prosecutors, law enforcement and other officials disdain the very specific laws which empower their official acts. This conduct is the very definition of sedition. We must resist and suppress their unlawful and illegal policies and conduct.

I am certain that preservation of our Liberty requires our urgent attention to government -
Insurrection and seditious conduct among the people of government is not universal, but it is prevalent and active here and now. The evil of uncontrolled power dominates our governments. Evil prevails among government because good people fear to object. This lack of internal conscience and discipline expresses the necessity for the regulating hand of the Citizens.

When the people in government neglect their duties and disrespect our instructions, We, the People, have the ultimate Authority and Power to provide an Effective Remedy.

Liberty is never given, it must always be taken. Liberty can be stolen and and therefore, it must be vigorously defended.

If we neglect to act in our defense and to reassert our authority by timely, peaceful and confident methods, we will be forced to a bloody defense of our lives and our liberty with uncertain outcome.

Does the Law apply to You?
Maybe, maybe not.
If a law does not apply to you, why do you obey it or allow it to be imposed upon you, your property or your conduct?

To Whom Do Our Laws Apply?
There are three elements of law which determine to whom they apply:

1. Subject matter - Does the law defend individial rights and protect liberty?
     Yes or No - Must be one of these options, or the law will not meet a constitutional challenge.

2. Physical jurisdiction - Where does the law apply?
           Only in a particular town or city
           Only in a county or parish
           Only within a special district
           Only in a particlar State
           Only within the District of Columbia
           Only within all the States
           Only within the territory encompassed by the plenary or municipal powers of the Cngress
           Only within the Territories of the United States
           Only within the insular possessions and similar portions of the United States
           Only within the military installations of the United States
           Only within (dozens of inclusive and exclusive territorial domains)

3. The person - To what entities does the law apply?
           To natural persons
           To artificial persons
           To all U.S. citizens
           To all Citizens of States
           To all persons
           To all United States persons
           To all State persons
           To all inhabitants
           To all military personnel
           To all military personnel and certain civilian personnel with military relationship
           (and to hundreds of other defined individuals, groups
            and categories of real and artifical persons and entities.

Question topics:
Question: Does the Constitution reach beyond the physical borders of theStates?
Answer: The Constitution must extend to the location and effect of any conduct of people in government.

Question: Do the protections of the Constitution to every human within the reach of theConstitution?
Answer: No. There are at least two exceptions:

The Constitution's protections are not effective at entry to the country. A visitor may be denied without recourse, unless that vistor has been identified and granted privilege by the Congress.

The Constitution does not have effect on foreign persons on sovereign fo\reign soil within the exterior limits of the United States of America.Such locations would be embassy and consular properties.

Question: Does the Constitution limit the rights, liberty or conduct of the People:
Answer: No. The Constitution is a compact of authority and prohibition imposed by the People.upon the people of government

Question: Do the municipal or plenary powers of the Congress supercede the Constitution?
Answer: No. The Constitutional grant of municipal, or plenary powers to the Congress can neither grant authority not contained within the Constitution nor release the Congress of the prohibitions established by the Constitution.

Topic - Schools, government vs. private, mandatory vs. self-motivated and rewarded, forced ntegration vs. forced de-segregation, confiscation of local school funding for re-distribution by state, deliberate "dumbing down" policies which produce general intellectual medicrity by mandate and lowering standards of polite social conduct.

Cut from opening page 16 August
We are a free People with inherent individual rights and liberty.
I believe our Declaration of Independence means what it contains in plain English, and that the Declaration establishes our total and complete purpose for governing our states and our federal union.

Our governments are our own creations and our Constitutions define our consent for governing.

I believe that our federal Constitution also means exactly what it contains in plain English, and that the provisions of our Constitution must be considered in conformance with the Declaration's statement of our governing intent.

Here is my understanding of the purpose for our self-government:

"...We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal,
that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights,
Governments are instituted among Men,
deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --..."

In plain words, you and I are born with equal rights and equal possession of personal liberty. We may be different by nature, but our rights and liberty are indifferent and unlimited.

Governments are our creations
We create our own governments to preserve our rights and liberty. WE did not establish rulers or tyrants over our liberty. Our State and Federal governments exist only to secure our individual rights and preserve our liberty to exercise those rights.

Government and Society have no "rights"
It is important to remember that our society and the governments we create have no inherent rights whatsoever and that they are incapable of granting rights we do not already possess at birth. Society and government are imaginary exercises until populated with living people.

The "rights" of society? Friends, these are your rights and mine.We are "society". Without us, there is no "society". Without our rights, "society" has no rights.

The only lawful function that people in our government have any capacity to perform is to secure for us the rights we already own and to preserve our liberty to freely exercise those rights. Any other act by people in government is tyranny.

The people in modern government do not agree
The people in modern government consider themselves separate from us and do not agree that we should be individually free. Individual liberty and personal rights are administrators' nightmares and are organizationally inefficient. Instead, the people in government abandon any thought of individual rights, individual liberty or our free conduct of society, when such conduct interferes with the new, private purposes of government.

We have provided no language in any founding document which allows people in government to presume any power or authority to regulate the People or their lawful individual conduct. We have provided no authority for the people in government to alter our purpose or replace our processes of governing. Yet, they have.

Insurrectionism has replaced Constitutionalism in government policies
Our public servants are engaged in insurrection and sedition. They no longer serve our purposes for governing. Instead, they willfully convert our People to "human capital" and "human resources" to serve their own, hidden and forbidden purposes.

I advocate Liberty
I advocate the principles of government expressed by our Declaration and I support our free government circumscribed by our federal Constitution. I can imagine none better for a free People.

I condemn Tyranny
I condemn the policies and acquiescence which have destroyed our control of government and allowed the petty offenses by people in government of years gone by to grow into full-blown insurrection and sedition among the ranks of people in government today.

Consider me as Representative
If you select me as our new representative, (you must write in my name on the ballot), I will stand in the path of those who trade our liberty for the trinkets of regulations and promises of entitlements.

I will cooperate with other representatives who share our love of liberty and individual right to self-determination and I will fight with your assistance in the front ranks against the injustices of treason and tyranny by people in government. These are promises that I keep each day of my private life, and I do not expect my life to change as our representative.

More than this I cannot promise as a Californian or as a freshman representative.

I hope you will continue your visit to my Campaign Website.
It is a work in constant turmoil. There are so many lessons of our government, in our history, of deliberate and willful betrayal by people in government of our Constitutions, laws and liberty that each time I write, there must be a new page or a reconstruction of existing pages to absorb the additional information.

This website does contain frank and direct political language and content. If my accusations and descriptions of  insurrection and seditious conduct by people in government offends you, ...then so be it. The practical remedies and effective cure may be even more offensive.

So, grow up.
Look about you.
See what has been done in your name
by government people to our country,
our society and our People.

Your mature contemplation and direct actions are essential elements of self-government. We've stayed away too long, and accepted too many false promises from liars and thieves pretending to be our government. Our government ranks are now plagued with evil, greedy, complacent and indifferent conduct.

We face some awful work to clean the sewers our Halls of Government have become. We need your well considered and intelligent participation NOW or we may lose everything our parents and grandparents fought to preserve for us.

(Text removed from entry page - 15 August)
Also, when you consider the content of these pages,
remember that our government is DIFFERENT from all other governments.

Our Government  is not about commerce and safety.
It is about our liberty.

You and I are the sole authority for governing in our country.
But, the people of our governments do not agree.
They have declared our federal Constitution "an ancient anachronism", unworthy of respect.

Our Federal and State governments have cooperatively merged their powers
to circumvent constitutional protections
from establishment of a national, centralized government.

The Judiciary, Congress and Executive branches of our federal government
have joined as a single, cohesive body to free federal powers
from the restraints imposed by the constitutional separation of powers doctrine.

Insurrection and sedition are plainly demonstrated by their acts
in opposition to our authority and constitutional instructions.

Our federal government now acts extra-constitutionally in most instances.
Our State governments are paid by the federal government
to impose and enforce laws and regulations that are repugnant
to both federal and State constitutional principles.

All laws contrary to our Constitutions are no laws at all and need not be observed.

It is necessary to acknowledge that we have been deceived and betrayed.
We must hold our public servants personally accountable for their betrayal
and we must correct their rebellious alterations of our institutions and processes.

We face a double-edged sword. Usurpation of powers demonstrated by the war of conquest on the Iraqi people and the daily, ongoing insurrection of our own people in government against our authority to self-govern.

The danger is already upon us. Most of us refuse to admit a problem, those who admit the problem refuse top examine the remedies and consequences of inaction. Let me say it plain. Our governments, state and federal, are no longer under our control. Our representatives, officials, bureaucrats, judiciary, law enforcement and clerks despise us and our claims to individual rights and liberty. They have become a political body, in complete insurrection to our authority, and on the verge of outright rebellion. They just don't like us, or what we represent. We are numerous, contrary and difficult to control, but we are the source of the powers they presume and the constantly renewable wealth with which they employ our powers. They need us more than we need them. They are more willing to kill us than to keep us, and that is our current problem. We are only a single step away from a Gulag, an Auschwitz or Reeducation camps.

Notes for Basic Questions at Introduction
Wherever I meet people, I introduce myself. I offer a woden nickel reminder with what I hope is an amusing comment for that particular situation, and pause. Usually at that point, I have to explain that the "...wooden nickel is real, and was often popularly used in the old days of real neighborhood and hometown candidates. I am a candidate for the Congress."

So far, everyone has kept the nickel.

The three most common questions that I am asked are:

1. What party do yu represent?
2. Who are you running against?
3. What are your politics, where in the spectrum do you fall mostly, Conservative or Liberal?
So, here is the problem: How do I explain in 15 to 20 seconds, who I am, what I represent and why it is important to write in my name?

I believe that our Declaration of Independence establishes the supremecy of individual rights and liberty over any power of government.

I believe that our governments were created to defend our individual rights and to preserve our individual liberty.

I believe that our state governments preceded the existance of the federal government.

I believe that our federal constitution created by the states and their People clearly confines the powers of the federal government and imposes similar broad restrictions uipon the states.

I believe that the preservation of individual rights and liberty are the essense of liberty for our society.

I believe that a society of men and women, free to elect every aspect of their own lives and of their children, will spontaneously form the most effective social practices for comity and commerce among themselves and with the other societies of the world.

I believe that liberty is not free and is not safe, but it is worth the cost and the risk

I believe, and I can demonstrate that the people in our government have abandoned our purpose for government, that they have abandoned the confines of our federal and state consttutions and that our interests are no longer the intyerests of the people in government.

I call or the investigation of George Bush and many of his cabinet and associates in Congress in our courts and others on charges of treason. I am demanding that he and his fellow perpetrators be held to public trial for treason, specifically, "...for waging war against the states and for adhering to our enemies, giving them aid and comfort".

George Bush has gone one step too far from our consent to be governed by unlawfully commandeering the People and Resources of the states to wage the first war of aggression, occupation and conquest in our country's history by unlawful usurpation of Congressional War powers, including fostering unlawful collusion between the executive branch and the legislative and juidicial branches .

These acts are treasonable first, because without the specific declaration of war or other constitutional instruction of the congress (see Article I, Section 8 of the federal constitution) the executive has embarked upon an unauthorized expenditure of the lives and property of Citizens of the States of the Union. This adventure has the actual effect of waging an armed conflict on the states, by the commandeering the Citizens of the states, their property and their means for their current well-being and and future security, without notice or call to the states for their service, by killing, wounding, maiming and otherwise destroiying Citizens of the states, by destroying the property of the states, disabling the economic foundation of the states, creating countless new enemies of the states and the People where none or few existed before the curreent adventure and finally, by inducing the failure of the three branches of the federal government to uphold the authority of the People in the exercise of powers granted and withheld under the Constitution for the United States of America.

Although similar transgressions of our governing authority hace been made by prior executives, legislatures and courtrs, none, since the War of Secession, hav so openly abandoned the Constutiton and

Notes for new content:

U.S. Constitution: Sixth Amendment - CRIMINAL PROSECUTIONS


Criminal prosecutions in the District of Columbia and in incorporated territories must conform to this Amendment, but those in the unincorporated territories need not do so. In upholding a trial before a United States consul of a United States citizen for a crime committed within the jurisdiction of a foreign nation, the Court specifically held that this Amendment reached only citizens and others within the United States or who were brought to the United States for trial for alleged offenses committed elsewhere, and not to citizens residing or temporarily sojourning abroad. It is clear that this holding no longer is supportable after Reid v. Covert, but it is not clear what the constitutional rule is.
REID v. COVERT, 354 U.S. 1 (1957)   354 U.S. 1  (1957) (holding that civilian dependents of members of the Armed Forces overseas could not constitutionally be tried by court-martial in time of peace for capital offenses committed abroad). Four Justices, Black, Douglas, Brennan, and Chief Justice Warren, disapproved Ross as ''resting . . . on a fundamental misconception'' that the Constitution did not limit the actions of the United States Government wherever it acted, id. at 5-6, 10-12, and evinced some doubt with regard to the Insular Cases as well. Id. at 12- 14. Justices Frankfurter and Harlan, concurring, would not accept these strictures, but were content to limit Ross to its particular factual situation and to distinguish the Insular Cases. Id. at 41, 65. Cf. Middendorf v. Henry, 425 U.S. 25, 33 -42 (1976) (declining to decide whether there is a right to counsel in a court-martial, but ruling that the summary court-martial involved in the case was not a ''criminal prosecution'' within the meaning of the Amendment).
Offenses Against the United States.
There are no common-law offenses against the United States. Only those acts which Congress has forbidden, with penalties for disobedience of its command, are crimes.
     United States v. Hudson & Goodwin, 11 U.S. (7 Cr.) 32  (1812)
     United States v. Coolidge, 14 U.S. (1 Wheat.) 415  (1816)
     United States v. Britton, 108 U.S. 199, 206  (1883)
     United States v. Eaton, 144 U.S. 677, 687  (1892).

The People in our governments have discovered several official crimes of "contempt" that an unwary Citizen may encounter during the exercise of his rights and liberty. They have also created numberless unofficial crimes of Contempt of Citizen and Law.

Unlawful policies and extra-legal mandates by our bureaucracies and enforcers are common violations of inherent rights and infringements of liberty which challenge the Citizens every day. This conduct is contemptuous of both the law and of the Sovereign (Citizen and People), whose laws should be obeyed.

When you ask "Why"? in response to a bureaucratic demand, you will receive first a smug and reassuring answer which does not address your question.

If you repeat the question, the next standard response is one of mild anger and a stiff command to" identify yourself and to state the reason you are asking the question", again, without responding to your question.

If you persist in establishing the authority for their demand, you will discover they are often unable to answer your simple question "Why?" with any reply of substance.

Once they are caught without authority, you will discover their personal embarrassment from your insistence and your knowledge of their lack of authority, offends and angers them. They often retaliate by summoning law enforcement officers to enforce their demands and your liberty will be at risk... for the simple question, "Why?".

A quiet and civil demeanor as you ask "Why?" is no defense for you. It is your insistence that they provide an authority that they know they do not possess which offends and angers them. They know their ability to command your obedience is a lawless bluff, that they cannot and will not answer your questions, that your obedience must be immediately coerced and that the law enforcement officers who respond will not question their authoritative complaint.

We should always ask "Why?" when people in government demand some particular thing or conduct of us and insist that they provide a functional and immediate response.

There is no sense to submit now and establish authority later. The coordinate acts of command and submission would be complete and the fictitious presumption of authority established and admitted.

If a person in government commands you to do a thing and cannot explain in immediate and explicit terms their authority, they most likely have no authority except the power to bring armed force to bear the enforcement and impose your unquestioning obedience.

Why? Because your submission is essential to unlawful conduct of government. When you ask "Why" on our streets, this conduct is called "Contempt if Cop". "Contempt of Cop" immediately proceeds "Police Court".

The People in our governments have discovered several crimes of "contempt" that an unwary Citizen may encounter during the exercise of his rights and liberty.

It is wrong to take other people's stuff, just because you want it or need it, or to teach them a lesson. Even if your need is essential and critical, it is still wrong. The national policy to take what we want from other countries and other people is also wrong and in the end, self-destructive. The "war on Terror" is a war our government policies have created. We are not the victims. We are the culprits. Our victims are striking back in the only mode available from a position of weakness in the face of incredibly ferocious military and economic forces that our People have allowed in the hands of government.

A fundamental flaw of the federal reserve concept is the requirement that our supply of currency is to be created by interest bearing debt. The interest is unnecessary and impossible to repay. Excess currency can be removed from circulation as easily as it was introduced, by account entry.

Economy 101 requirement to borrow taught in secondary schools since 1950's. Expansion of debt to support expansion of currency and taxation reflected in expansion of consumer credit and elimination of savings. Saving for large purchases yielded to lay-away consumer plans, store credit, credit cards, small loans, secured loans, bank loans, manufacturer's credit and re-financing of real-estate with inflation based equity. Consumer credit necessary for expansion of consumer economy is about tapped out, unless a new concept for enabling extended consumer borrowing can be invented. Conceivably, a parent can indenture his children's future earnings. Would not be a surprise, considering bankrupt USA, medical and Social Security programs.

- Preserve constitutional self-government by enforcing personal accountability, sub items, grants of authority and delegation, usurpation

 - George Bush the lesser has gone one step too far by Iraq, by preemptory war, by war on terror, by torture, by abandonment of rule of law, etc.

- Prelude to Treason - presidential ambition and presumption from Washington to Bush lesser

Government people misuse our language to deceive us and to dominate our conduct.
A large part of our problems between the People and the Government is the deliberately deceptive use of language by people in the government. Another is the ignorant and childish mimicking of "governmentese" by a careless population.

Here are a few nouns that are used with meanings in government that are different than we generally understand: "Law, policy, regulation, code, right, privilege, citizen, resident, United States, state, State, United States of America, vehicle, automobile, public, private, driver, operator, reside, residence, person, citizen, public use, public good, voluntary, adhesion, shall, must and may". There are uncountable others.

Phrasing and sentence construction are also manipulated by government people to strip you of your rights, deprive you of lawful due process, steal your property, coerce conduct that you would never engage in of your own volition. Words take on new and treacherous life in the hands of a bureaucrat who wants your obedience, your property or your time.

Bad Management!
At first impression, there appear to be many discouraging words in the content of these pages. Yes, there are. We may own the country, but our governments take us to places most of us don't want to go and that are not in our best interest. We are better off without their unnecessary "service".

Threats on Liberty and Attacks on Inherent Rights Must be Met and Defeated
We have been betrayed slowly and incrementally by many administrations, many congresses and by our judiciary.

Mea Culpa, Again...
The main fault is our neglect and the neglect of our parents and the generations of the People between our revolution and now, to discipline our public servants. A coat of tar and feathers with a rude ride on a split rail to the town limits, creates an experience which tends to discourage excesses in office or offenses under the color of law by other officials. While this practice was never wide-spread, it did serve the purpose of delaying the necessity of a full-out revolution every twenty years, as was imagined in passing by Mr.. Jefferson.


These are the fundamental problems which bring me to ask your attention and assistance. The results of these elemental observations are manifestly demonstrable:

Good Architects and Builders, Neglectful Owners

We Have to Start Somewhere, Now!
I am only one Citizen, but that is a start for the necessary house-cleaning of our governments.

Meeting of Minds and Purpose
I trust in the success of our republican form of self-government, but I am convinced that our fate as a free People or as a subservient population will be determined in the immediate and near future.

The people of our government may be our family, friends and neighbors, (and we love them in their private capacities), but the they have become willing partners in the destruction of our liberty. They are trespassers upon our rights and thieves of our property and happiness.

It is our duty and our right to restrain them from their mischief, just as we would lovingly guide the conduct of our own children, to set them obediently back to their appointed tasks and good behavior.

A Place to Start
Yes, our situation is as bad as I claim. Now that you know where I stand, I ask that you stand with me in this fight to own our own future and to leave our future in liberty for at least our own children.

Get Involved - Help Me or Deny Me,
Help me collect the necessary signatures to place my candidacy on the November Ballot, and in November, please vote for me to be our Representative.

Our duty does not end this November. Please visit this site again as I add extensive explanations and examples of insurrection and explain why we cannot tolerate what has been done to our liberty and our right to self-govern.

Whether in public office or in my private capacity, I will not tolerate insurrection in government and treason.

Yes, I care ... I care enough to fight.
Where do you stand?
Let me know...
Thank you for visiting,

Miscellaneous Essays, Etc.
(A dynamic work in continual alteration)
Why Am I a Candidate?

Insurrection, Treason and War




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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 30 August, 2004