Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen Candidate in 2004
Revised 19 September

Home Principles Problems Press

Introduction and Welcome!
Brave Hearts and Patriots Welcome!
All Others
"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here ..."
Greetings, fellow Citizens!
I am Henry Nicolle ... Welcome to a debate with tough questions and difficult answers.
These pages contain controversial issues!
Life and Death Consequences
The observations, conclusions and recommendations that I offer are serious issues of life and death. They ask, "How will you live your life and what kind of life are you willing to allow strangers, people in government, to impose upon your children?"
The people of our governments have altered our form of government and intentionally destroyed our liberty.
We were once a Free People, (however flawed and prejudiced our practice of government may have been). But, Common Liberty does not suit the interests of people with power.

The Liberty our ancestors won by blood, will, whiskey and gunpowder has been stolen from us, piece by piece, by the very people we have entrusted to preserve it.

I intend to take our Liberty back, by persuasion or by right of necessity.

Consideration and Implementation of Change are Constitutionally Provided
Our form of government has great worth, but it has been betrayed. We should rescue and preserve it by removing the ambitious and the insurrectionists from among our public servants, by removing their seditious alterations and policies and by restoring our proper institutions to their intended form and service to our governing purpose.

Our unique form of self-government properly anticipates that we should consider and discuss altering or removing the governments we have created. (See Article V of the Federal constitution)

These considerations and acts are fundamental duties of Free Citizens among a Free and self-governing People. They are the essence of grasping and preserving Liberty.

Controversial Discussion and Confrontational Conduct are Protected
Our founders were concerned that the people of the federal government would abandon the limits to their conduct established by constitutional enumeration of governing powers and duties. They prudently included specific protection of the People's processes for consideration of change (first amendment) and of the tools necessary to enforce our decisions (second amendment), should people in government not respect and obey our constitutions or heed and obey our petitions. (See Declaration of Independence and Amendments I and II of the Constitution)
Controversial Discussion and Confrontational Conduct are Protected
Today, we must consider our future lives and the future of our governments. Do we allow the people in government to secure all governing decisions into their own hands? Or, do we take back the powers of governing which have been stolen from our grasp? Will we and our children live guided by our own decisions for our own best interest? Or will the decisions for our lives be made in the District of Columbia and our State capitals by strangers to us, strangers whose own ambitions are more important to them than our lives?

In blunt terms, when the government is superior to the people, the people are valued only as production and service units. So long as they are valuable, they are well-tended and reasonably protected, as we would maintain and protect any asset. An asset becomes a burden when it becomes unproductive, unserviceable or recalcitrant. Efficient organizations always develop assets for exploitation and eliminate the expense of burdens and troublemakers.

Will we act now, while we hold the remnants of political authority and while the prospect of a peaceful return to constitutional self-governance still exists? Or will we delay our attention, disregarding the crimes perpetrated in our name which harm us and our neighbors, until we are allowed no claim to government and become merely the valuable property or unnecessary baggage of our rulers?


Please write in my name, Henry Nicolle, for Representative
from the 24th Congressional District.
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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 19 September, 2004