Welcome Fellow Americans, Defenders of Our Constitution and Ron Paul for President Advocates!
The links within the text of these editorial pages are conected to virtual footnotes. If you do not understand the context, intention or purpose of what is written here, read the foornotes. They are included to provide clarify and expand the content and they keep the page content uncluttered by secondary details.

This site has only one purpose. Take the Fight to The Media! This includes to the attention of the executives and management of big business, finance, government and religion.

If Truth and Accuracy cannot be found in the Major Media, our Patriots are blamless. However, we have limited our concern for the un-contested and biased dominance of our public broadcast radio and Television, cable and satelite programming and content to polite and gentle rebuttals and symbolic protests. This has to change. The Time Is Now! And WE are the ones to restore Liberty!

This website is contributed to the Volunteers in our society who understand that Patriotism is not for the idle, weak-kneed and faint of heart. Liberty demands timely action and aggressive defense or it is lost.

Henry Nicolle is the Editor and Webmaster. ALL criticism must be directed to Mr. Nicolle. Your input, crtiticism and comment is welcome and Henry will reply to all constructive communication.

If you do not agree with the content of this website, it would be best if you have a supportable argument when you submit your disagreement.

Unsupported arguments will be used as examples of stupidity, ignorance and prejudice in editorial comment by Henry. My purpose is education, not contrariness or ridicule. Often people have good intentions, but are so ill-prepared with knowledge history and unaware of current events that they opine from a prevalent "everybody knows" belief, instead of reasoned and knowledgable substance. In the past, perhaps it was possible to gently relieve the ignorance promulgated by our governments and other leadership. Today, we do not have that luxury and as rude as it may be concveived, we must rip the blindfold from our friends neighbors and families to reveal our plight as it actually exists. One cannot fight for liberty with their mind clouded by the propaganda of misapprehension and and their hands tied by wishful thinking.

The only "Beliefs" which are supported editorially by Henry on this website are those which are WRITTEN and accepted as our purpose for governing our society. Our Declaration of Independence articulated those beliefs as follows:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, 

that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, 

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, 

and to institute new Government, 

laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. 

Liberty is not safe, it is not easy and it is expensive. When our Inherent Rights are attacked and our Liberty stolen, members of the government, Wall Street and the Major Media applaud these acts of War as "beneficial for our country and the fruit of a successful Democracy". They are actually, totally correct. But achievements work in opposition to our purpose for tolerating government and they destroy our free society. Until today, we have not seriously opposed the acts, statements and conduct of those who wrap their treason, betrayal, lies and deceptions with a false banner of "Patriot" and "Democracy". It not our "country" they speak of and it is not "Democracy" that governs our society. Our governments, federal and state, are republics with limited democrtatic processes. Under the authority by the Constitution of our People, a majority cannot abrogate any right or liberty of the individual for the "interests of society or government". A democracy can demand slavery or condemn any iclass to poverty, subservience or even require the sacrifice of property, labor or life of an individual. That is why we do not have a democracy and forbid that we will ever have one.

machine politician: a politician who belongs to a small clique that controls a political party for private rather than public ends

A term journalists use to describe themselves and their work. Hacks churn out stories daily informing the world or at least a newspaper's readers what has been going on.

A sportswriter who provides extraordinary loyalty to a particular team or sport in order to maintain his access and sources.