Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen for Congress
Revised 22 July

Home Principles Problems Press

The Essence
Our Problems and Solutions
Our Form of Self-Government has served our requirement for governance very well.

However... (and it is a BIG "However"!)

Our Fundamental Problem
Those who serve us have failed to obey their obligations and duties. They have unconstitutionally expanded their powers by presuming authority not granted. In short, they have generally betrayed our purpose for government.

Our neglectful acceptance of small deceits has encouraged great frauds. Our tolerance of unquestionable excesses in the unauthorized exercise of powers have born the treasonous fruit of intolerable government conduct.

Fraud plus Embezzlement = Treason
Through trickery and deceit, our leaders and public servants have annulled our rights by enacting uncountable laws, regulations, policies and judicial decisions openly contrary to our constitutions.

Government Has Commandeered Private Life and Property for Government Objectives
Our energy and resources for self determined enterprise have been co-opted for federal and state government ambitions.

We Must Act Diligently to Recover and Preserve Our Inherent Right of Self-Government
I believe it is our urgent duty, now, today, to recall our powers usurped by fraud and tricks and to deny our resources from the continued perpetration of illegitimate governing policies and conduct.

We Must Stand Up to Clearly and Loudly Deny Questionable Public Authority
I believe we should return our institutions and officials to dutiful, constitutionally defined service by our publicly announced withdrawal of consent to the unconstitutional application of certain categories of  laws, regulations, codes and policies and by voluntary limitation of assets to our governments to empower only the activities actually necessary for essential, constitutionally enumerated functions.

Just Say "NO!"
When we faced with public servants' demands to "Do This!, "Wait There!", "Sign This", "What's your Name?", "Why do you want to know?", "You can't do that!"... we can be confident that there is no lawful authority for the commands. They are merely requests without substance, intended to intimidate and to coerce the habit of unquestioned obedience.

Presidential Policies, Proclamations, Orders, Findings, etc. Are NOT Law!
Utterances by the President are commands only for the conduct of the business of government and cannot substitute for the laws by the Congress. If it is not law, it need not be observed by the ordinary Citizen.

Virtually every "National Emergency" by presidential order and other methods have been "emergencies" construed and imposed for political purposes and to provide superficial presumption of authority for "temporary" and "emergency" legislation. The premises and legal bases for these assumptions are untenable and all such "national emergencies" and all legislation, regulations and policies imposed under their authority should be promptly eliminated as federal and state authorities.

These changes would remove about 75% of federal interference from the states and from our individual lives by obliterating the government's pretense that Presidential fiat can be imposed upon individual Citizens in the States..

The People must be obeyed. Disobedience of the People is treason.
Acts disobedient to our Constitution are inherently the Levy of War upon the states and the People, and Aid and Comfort to our Enemies. Our governments enforce their unconstitutional commands by force of arms, seizure and destruction of our property, imprisonment, injury and execution of our Citizens. This War is waged upon us no differently than our great powers are used to wage war on other independent people. The only differences of significance are the uniforms of the armed forces and the society under siege.

Constitutional Disobedience and Treason must be Prosecuted and Punished
Presumptions of voluntary Delegation of Power and Authority are no pardon for Disobedience and Treasonous exercise of those Powers.


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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 22 July, 2004