Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen for Congress
Revised 23 August

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Creation vs. Darwin
Education vs. Indoctrination
A Policy Quick-Take

A common question is asked, "Should Creation or Evolution be taught in our schools?"

The question is a red herring, a straw man - because the question presumes that education in the states is compulsory. Compulsory education is not education, it is indoctrination.

We have granted no power to the federal government to commandeer our children for any number of years of compulsory attendance in government schools.

It is unreasonable to presume that the federal government can tax the People of the States in order to return the money to the States in support of mandatory public education. This is a circular, invalid argument.

A free and self-regulating society will recognize the value of education and will provide an efficient public means for education. Education is an individual opportunity. It cannot be forced.

Compulsory education always results in indoctrination of propaganda and collective preparation. All aspects of compulsory public education are contrary to the sustenance of a free and self-regulating society. Compulsory education is necessarily devoted to the perceived "future needs of society, industry, science and government". The thought processes, skills and information transferred by compulsion are thought and behavior conditioning for a compliant, obedient and useful working population. The desired outcome of compulsory education is the predictable conduct of the subjects of its process. The graduates will be trained and conditioned to provide the perceived needs of government policy, no more, but often less.

Such a society is doomed by the inherent fallibility of its leadership. It is no matter if Darwin or Creation is in the curriculum, because the content is not relevant to the needs of the government. Pick one or both, their teaching will not affect production or submission to government policies.

Proper public education is generated by the People and according the their individual value of education. It accommodates mechanical and creative skills, intellectual and artistic development and manual arts, according to the complexity of individual motivation, necessity and aspirations. These are the elements which feed the ambition, accomplishment, growth and prosperity of a successful and free society. But it is a difficult environment.

Liberty is not easy, nor is it free. Once it is grasped, it carries no guarantee.
Freedom is not the desire of the slave or the servant.
They prefer the security and mundane repetitiveness of their chains.


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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: 23 August, 2004