Henry Nicolle
California state Citizen for Congress
Last Revised 18 April, 2010

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Armies of the United States
The Congress of the United States Holds all War Powers.
The Executive Holds Only the Powers for the Conduct of War.
The States are the Constitutional Homes of Our Armies
Temporary Armies, Permanent Militias
By our Constitution for the government of the United Statesm we have authorized the Congess  our representatives to assemble armies as necesssary for the defense of our country, but we do not authorize a permanent ro "standing" army.  Preparedness for defense of our country is laid upon the militias of the several states. Whether our defense is performed by an army recruited for the moment, or drawn from the militias, the Congress is the only body authorized to do so. The Executive/President has no authority to raise or maintain an army nor to call out the militia. The President is the commander-in-chief of the army or militia only when called into sevice by the Congress.

The restriction of appropriations to raise and support armies and the provisions for organizing, arming and disciplining the Militia and the restriction of the President as commander-in-chief are individually and collectively intended to prevent the institutionalization of the Military as a tool of the President, assuring that thePeople and the States would sustain superior military power to resist and dominate ambitions against indidual rights and liberty by the federal government.

Power Corrupts
Command of the most powerful armed forces in the history of the world, supported by the unlimited wealth of a People has proven to be uncontrollable by constitutional division of authority between the branches of the federal government.

The destruction of our constitutional military includes the abandonment of the constitutional form and control of our military resources and the concentration of military powers in the hands of the Executive and other influences. The full general power of the Union is now usurped as a municipal power of the Congress and the Executive. This power is constitutionally limited to exercise within the District and other federal properties and is prohibited as a general power, but has been expanded unlawfully to the People and the States.

Military Forces are Necessary for Common Peacetime Tasks
The defense and the will of our country sometimes requires the projection and execution of brute force. Our Federal Constitution contains adequate provision for the use of force in our country's interests, including provisions for establishing, arming and maintaining our armed forces and restrictions on unnecessary accumulation of war resources.

Our Executive must have at his disposal, but also must be restricted to, only the constitutional armed forces required for the performance of his duties during peacetime; standing armies being prohibited to the federal government. The Navy, constitutionally tasked with defense of our international commerce and general defense, stands fully capable and prepared to obey the commands of the President for these emergencies and necessary deployments. The suppression of our Militias and the adoption of current standing Army, Air Force and Space Commands, the National Guards and the militarization of the Coast Guard are violations of both the letter and the spirit of our Declaration and Constitution and a mortal threat to our individual Rights and Liberty.

The Home of our Military Forces are the States
The federal armed forces now in existence must be deployed to the Militias of the states as is specified by the terms of our federal constitution and the materials and means for war likewise constitutionally disposed among the the states and the People.

Constitutional Militia Command and Materials Structure Discourages Unwise Adventures
The Constitution requires that the ability of the federal government to raise armies and to wage war be moderated by the effective voice of the states and the People of the states in and over these processes. The constitutional organization and arming of the Organized Militias by the federal government, with the scattering of the command, materials and manpower among the states and under the ordinary command of the governors, provides the necessary moderation of federal powers to engage the country, states and People in unwise adventures and unnecessary wars.

The Constitution Must Be Obeyed!
The federal armed forces now in existence must be deployed to the Regulated Militias of the states as is specified by the terms of our federal constitution and the materials and means for war likewise constitutionally disposed.

Tactical Response and Strategic Preparedness Unaffected by Constitutional Military Structure
Our military tactical capability and responsiveness to necessity is not hampered by this distribution of men, materials and command during peacetime and the strategic capacity for defense of our country is greatly enhanced. A side effect is the repair of our damaged rights, protected under the first and second amendments, to freely discuss the fitness of our government and officials and to improve our personal liberty by repossessing our right to own and carry the means of self-defense.


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Contact Henry Nicolle:
Mail: c/o POB 5633 Ventura, California (93005) - -  Tel: 805-758-4446 - - e-Mail: henry@henrynicolle.org

Last Revision: Last Revised 18 April, 2010